Noji en Kumamoto




🕗 horarios

1-chōme-9-21 Shimotōri, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0807, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-355-3575
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8003117, Longitude: 130.7079301

comentarios 5

  • KM Yuen

    KM Yuen


    Yummy and Beautiful cake!

  • Keith Yeung

    Keith Yeung


    This is good and tasty (but not the top tier). The staff are so helpful. It will be great if spoon can be provided.

  • たつしば



    I happened to come across this shop on my way home from drinking. The atmosphere is nice from the outside, but the inside is even better. I was drawn to it and ended up buying it. The cake was really delicious and I felt like I had more to eat.

  • Alexis Busso

    Alexis Busso


    Beautifully decorated and delicious sweets! They had a variety from fruits to chocolate desserts and cakes. I didn’t see anything vegan. The shop is quite busy with regular customers buying things to go. They have 4 seats if you want to eat inside. The shop closes late so you can enjoy those late night cravings.

  • WADA 5

    WADA 5


    A cake shop located in the center of Kumamoto on the south side of Ginza Street along Shimo-dori. Beautifully decorated whole cakes are lined up in the show window. Open late in the city. There are many delicious-looking cakes lined up. I purchased the winter limited edition strawberry panniers for 650 yen (tax included). Three strawberries in a soft waffle pastry. Fresh cream on top and custard cream on the bottom. The strawberries were also sweet. It was big and voluminous so it was good.

Cafetería más cercano

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