Kishimoto Dental Clinic en Ebetsu

JapónKishimoto Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

424-11 Kamiebetsu, Ebetsu, Hokkaido 067-0064, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-385-5534
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.1015562, Longitude: 141.5468163

comentarios 5

  • ままぽてぽて3



    I moved to Ebetsu and was looking for a dentist, and even though it was my first visit...the receptionist, dental hygienist, and doctor were all very kind and always polite and kind! Personally, I think he is a very good dentist 🎶

  • sabi eva

    sabi eva


    I went to the hospital because my doctor told me that it would be a good idea to have the cavities treated before I stay in the hospital for a long time. The director was kind enough to consult with me, repaired my dentures, and completed my treatment promptly. Since I have difficulty walking, I asked the receptionist to arrange a taxi for me. We were also kind to other people. thank you very much.

  • あすか(あー)



    The examination and treatment were very complicated. They won't tell me about the future course of treatment, and they won't answer when I ask. I'm worried because the treatment will proceed without knowing anything. I visited the doctor twice, but even though I said it hurt, they ignored me and continued the treatment, which made me very uncomfortable. Something hot touched my lips and it felt so hot that I let out a loud, "Ah!" sound. At that time, I think it's normal for someone to say something to me, but I said to the dental assistant, ``This is too hot. I can't use this. It's still hot. No, why is it so hot?'' I was using it while it was still hot. The treating doctor was a man in his 60s. I used to go to another dentist, but this time I went because it was close to my home. I will never go there again in the future.

  • 2525 musashi

    2525 musashi


    They will take good care of it. I think you can rest assured that there is a water server and a place for small children to play. Reservations are relatively easy to make.

  • KO /SuperWalk

    KO /SuperWalk


    I used it for a dental checkup. The receptionist and Dr. Kishimoto were all very kind and made me feel very comfortable. The dental hygienist who worked with me for two weeks in a row was also a lovely person, and I was sad that she would no longer be able to see me (lol)😆 I don't know if it will be in 1 year or 2 years, but I will use it again if I have the opportunity ^^

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