Tohokudori Dental Clinic en Sapporo

JapónTohokudori Dental Clinic



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5-chōme-7-22 Kitano 7 Jō, Kiyota Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 004-0867, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-887-4155
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.019706, Longitude: 141.4495647

comentarios 5

  • K S

    K S


    He takes the time to explain the treatment in a way that is easy to understand. I have been working with him since the clinic opened, and he is a very trustworthy doctor!

  • 花野



    The covering on a completely healed tooth can be removed in one month. And even after healing, it happens again and again. I trusted him and went to the hospital, but I am really disappointed. You can get it just by eating normally every time. It's stressful. I feel like the dental assistants have had to do more work recently due to the expansion of the hospital, so I thought that might be a problem for some people...but it was the same even when I had the dentist do it for me. Considering the stress of each appointment, the stress of making time for appointments, and the stress of waiting time, I decided to look for another dentist.

  • 山崎響



    I was very satisfied with the teacher's soft demeanor and explanations that were very easy to understand. The staff was polite and attentive, and I was able to receive treatment with peace of mind. I would like to continue to take care of you in the future.

  • りく



    My family takes care of me.The teachers are very kind and my children feel at ease. It's always crowded, but there are plenty of treatment chairs, so I don't have to wait long. Recommended

  • くろ



    First of all, the telephone and counter service was inflexible and very unpleasant. During treatment, the person sucking inside my mouth was always so forceful that my mouth became parched and the sides of my mouth were tearing and turning red every time. The filling I got back quickly was still rough and had a bad texture. I also doubt that the height was adjusted by cutting down healthy teeth. When it was finished, I said that my other tooth was hurting, but they just looked at me and said it was okay. (When I went to another hospital, it was missing. It's really impossible...) This is where I had to wait even though I arrived at the time I was told.

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