Hirohashi Heartful Dental Clinic en Ebetsu

JapónHirohashi Heartful Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒067-0064 Hokkaido, Ebetsu, Kamiebetsu, 442−16, MaxValu Kamiebetsu Store, 店内
contactos teléfono: +81 11-376-0330
sitio web: hirohashi-heartful.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.099146, Longitude: 141.5453332

comentarios 2

  • T. Mitsu

    T. Mitsu


    Director's voice is low He comes right next to me and talks to me, but I still can't hear him. I went to have tartar removed, Although I explained that the blood comes out first, The gums were checked properly and there were no abnormalities in the areas that needed treatment (passed). Although I was able to get some help, I felt that the overall work was sloppy. It's been 1-2 weeks since my visit, but the bleeding in the area I most wanted to see is still the same. I originally went to another dentist (they provide careful treatment and there is no bleeding in the areas I'm concerned about), but it became physically far away, so I decided to go here. It seems better to try your best to go where you originally went.

  • s- nra

    s- nra


    Is the teacher unfriendly? ? Your voice is too small to hear Maybe they're in a bad mood or they don't like me...I often feel like they don't respond to me very well.

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