Miyoshi Prevent Dental en Sapporo

JapónMiyoshi Prevent Dental



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒003-0029 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Shiroishi Ward, Heiwadōri, 3 Kita−5−22 三好プリベント歯科
contactos teléfono: +81 11-863-1122
sitio web: www.mpd1122.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0537123, Longitude: 141.4136834

comentarios 5

  • R s (サウロ)

    R s (サウロ)


    Counseling is thorough and I can attend with peace of mind. I am also very satisfied with the number of doctors I receive and the specialized treatment I receive. I would like to continue to think about my dental health and attend Miyoshi Prevent Clinic.

  • yu



    Very kind and polite I'm glad I found a dentist that I can feel at ease going to because he answers any questions I have without bothering me. White essence teeth cleaning is very good!

  • yu uun

    yu uun


    Thank you for your help with white essence and correction. You can rest assured that you can choose the correct orthodontic treatment that suits you and that we will explain the pricing and other details in an easy-to-understand manner. I am very happy that I was able to get my teeth straightened to my satisfaction!

  • Tvx Minya

    Tvx Minya


    It's difficult to get a reservation. I feel like I manage to get it once every 3-4 weeks. Also, there were some things that I discussed during the initial counseling session that were not communicated to me, which was disappointing. White Essence cleaning is expensive, but I like it because you can consult with a hygienist and it feels like a beauty salon.

  • 田畑恵美子



    Whitening is a healing time, with friendly and courteous service every time, and a space where healing music plays. How many times have I fallen asleep because it felt so good... And I am deeply moved by the message cards he always writes. When I see my teeth getting whiter, I want it even more. If you are unsure, I think you should give it a try!

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