Matsumura Dental Clinic en Sapporo

JapónMatsumura Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-1-20 Higashinaebo 1 Jō, Higashi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 007-0801, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-784-1182
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0784156, Longitude: 141.4007097

comentarios 5

  • プリン姫



    It wasn't as bad as others said. I'm glad the treatment was completed safely✨

  • Hirokazu Enda

    Hirokazu Enda


  • 佐藤鈴木



    I had the root treated, but the pain before and after the treatment was terrible. Immediately after the treatment was finished, the silver teeth I had placed over them started to heat up, my gums swelled many times, and no matter how many times I had them adjusted, my bite became worse. I went to see her about 10 times and when I told her that it was getting worse, she strongly criticized me and said that she couldn't tell me that it would get better. When I went to another clinic and researched it myself, I was told that the success rate of basic treatment covered by insurance was low, so I guess I was a failure. I was repeatedly told that root treatment was not possible, and due to this failure, I was told that I would only be able to save my tooth through expensive free medical treatment. There was no explanation at all before the treatment, and the results were bad, so I won't go again, and my distrust of dentists has grown stronger.

  • Risa O

    Risa O


    The dentist I used to go to passed away and I'm looking for a new place to go to, but it's Dentist Gypsy. At two other clinics, one tooth was pointed out to have cavities, but here I was told that there was no cavity... Normally, I would have been asked to come to the next clinic for regular preventive dentistry, but I was not told anything. The period of regular preventive dental visits differs depending on the dentist, so the last time I went to the dentist it was every 3 months, so I asked them if they would like this, and they said, Okay, why don't you have them every 3 months? and… Preventive dentistry doesn't seem to be important. At other clinics, they regularly checked the mouthpiece for my bruxism in detail to see where it was wearing out, but they just made it and that was it.

  • 池田ユリ子



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