Gion Shinmonso en Kyoto

JapónGion Shinmonso



🕗 horarios

Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
Japan, 〒605-0082 Kyoto, Higashiyama Ward, Nakanochō, 新門前通り大和大路東入二丁目中之町 243番地
contactos teléfono: +81 75-561-8011
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0064571, Longitude: 135.7751889

comentarios 5

  • Francesca Bruce

    Francesca Bruce


    We stayed a few nights as we were briefly exploring Kyoto and it was a lovely stay ! The room had tatamis and futons, we had a little sink and a mirror despite booking a room without a shower, the baths being the main attraction after all ! It was lovely to go downstairs in the yukata provided by the hotel and soak in the warm water after a day of walking. The ladies at the front desk were also so kind and helpful and did they best to communicate with their translation device. Everyone was cheerful and welcoming ! All in all we had a wonderful experience here and I would definitely recommend giving it a try :)

  • elise jinon

    elise jinon


    The room was very spacious and the helpful staff made the stay very enjoyable. Had all the amenities needed and a little extra. We requested a room with a private shower, but the public bath was still available for use.

  • Ricardo Valladares

    Ricardo Valladares


    The attention from the staff was amazing. Amazing without a doubt. Kind, nice, friendly, helpful. The ladies at the front desk really really amazing. The rooms were beautiful, looked like old traditional japanese rooms (from what I’ve seen), very clean, very quiet place, with a lot of amenities to make your stay better. I didn’t get to use the public baths but thats more of a cultural thing haha the location was very convenient cause everything we visited was pretty closed (walking distance). Overall a really nice stay and awesome place.

  • Manuela Migotto

    Manuela Migotto


    We have visited the Gion for have a dinning and see a Short show of Maiko dancing. We appritiate a lot this experience. We could also speak a Little bit with the Maiko, she was very cute and kind and it was a nice experience

  • Michael T

    Michael T


    Stayed here for 2nights, was very friendly and cozy. We enjoyed dinner and a show on the beer garden rooftop and very delicious breakfast. Location is superb, in the heart of Gion district and an easy walk or train ride to temples and fun nightlife. Only downside is the early checkout time at 10am.

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