Toyoko INN Kyoto Shijo Karasuma en Kyoto

JapónToyoko INN Kyoto Shijo Karasuma


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28 Naginatabokochō, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8008, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 75-212-1045
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.003961, Longitude: 135.760763

comentarios 5




    I booked my accommodation via fax and email, but two months later, I got a unilateral cancellation via email. For overbooking. Fortunately, I booked another hotel because of my schedule, but I'm sorry that the staff didn't guide me to any alternatives, such as looking into other Toyokoins' Heartful vacancies.

  • 0116 X

    0116 X


    absolutely horrendous experience. they prioritize japanese speaking folks and rooms where smelly and had hair everywhere

  • Jean Mason

    Jean Mason


    Great location, standard Toyoko Inn room. Friendly check in staff. Right next to the subway, bus stop within a few meters. Has all the shops and cafes you could wish for. Middle of town but room is super quiet. Includes breakfast and WiFi. Very comfortable stay here if you don’t mind a very firm mattress. 😆

  • 收租收到手軟



    The receptionist Nabemoto is very patient and kind. The single room is clean and space enough about 3 twins beds. Then, you can take a peak of street view through windows and you won't feel too closed to the neighbor building to have pressure. After living for days, there are some problems. Room clean service is bad, there is someone's nail on my pillow....that's disgusting..... The soundproofing is also not ok, I can hear the neighbor's snore....

  • Jack Jacobson

    Jack Jacobson


    Clean efficient business hotel, consistent quality in all the locations I've visited. Excellent internet, which i can't say for many larger hotels. Rooms are small, but you only need a room to sleep, right? A Japanese breakfast is included.

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