Weekly Sapporo 2000 w Sapporo

JaponiaWeekly Sapporo 2000


brak informacji

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5-chōme-289-63 Minami 7 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0807, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-511-2000
strona internetowej: weeklysapporo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0514122, Longitude: 141.3526384

komentarze 5




    Weekly Sapporo 2000 First I’d like to start off by saying I am incredibly happy with the staff and our stay here. I booked a stay for three nights at the Weekly Sapporo due to the fact they accepted dogs. It’s so rare to find a hotel or any accommodation that does this now days. The rooms are well kept. They provide pretty much everything you need and stuff for the doggos. The only issue I have is the fact that they don’t have parking available or it is limited. This made it hard for us BUT luckily there was a self park immediately next door but it was an additional ¥2000 per day. The area surrounding the hotel is a tad bit seedy. It is technically the red light distract but I did not have any issues there. The staff is professional. They are so accommodating. I left my bags while waiting for check in and they took it to our room for us so that all we had to do is go up. The room has a kitchenette, table and desk area. For some reason my brother and I could not connect to the wifi but it wasn’t an issue. Overall very happy

  • Nera Niza Masri

    Nera Niza Masri


    Although for the first timer, it is quite hard to find the location especially without GPS however the place is quite strategic it is the in the walking distance from Sapporo attractions such as Odori Park, Sapporo TV Power and more. The amenities is good also..

  • Yi Yun Pang

    Yi Yun Pang


    Room is very spacious and clean. However bed is really hard. Located a short walk from the subway. Staff is very friendly.

  • Jerry Beh Kea Chang

    Jerry Beh Kea Chang


    This is a hotel that does what it promised, to make you feel home. You really feel home with all the facilities and utensils provided in the room. It was to my surprise that they keep track on guests' comment and replay in actions from 2007 to present.....all recorded. Real excellent value for money hotel.

  • venkatesh kumar raveendran

    venkatesh kumar raveendran


    Decent place to stay in Susukino. Lot of night activities places nearby and walkable to the nearest station.

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