Ishibu-so i Matsuzaki



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22 Ishibu, Matsuzaki, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3616, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 558-45-0131
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Latitude: 34.7316297, Longitude: 138.7558845

kommentar 5

  • kenta



    Dogs can also stay in some rooms. Above all, the sashimi is the best.

  • 聡啓打矢



    I have been visiting you in the summer for the past two years in a row. We are staying with a large group and there are many children, but they are happy to welcome us. The local rare ingredients, delicious fish, and homemade pizza were also delicious. Some of the members are former chefs, so it was difficult to find a place where they could settle in, but the food here is excellent. The hotness of the bath is unusual, but if you add just enough water, it's even better. As long as the guest house continues to exist, we plan to use it every year.

  • h s

    h s


    We welcome you in a homely atmosphere. This is a guesthouse where you can relax and feel like you're back at home. The husband and the landlady are both kind and very nice, so I highly recommend it. The food is also very luxurious and delicious. I will go again!

  • m oo

    m oo


    The sea was close and the stars were beautiful! The rice was also delicious.

  • Japan Kchin

    Japan Kchin


    The food was lavish and good! thank you.

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