Kaihin-so i Matsuzaki



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207 Ena, Matsuzaki, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3624, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 558-42-0127
internet side: kaihinsou.com
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Latitude: 34.7573568, Longitude: 138.7784017

kommentar 5

  • ワカタク(タクアン)



    I decided on this place based on the reviews and the low price. It was a good stay according to the reviews. The hot springs were also warm. thank you for helping me.

  • takechan



    It's reasonably priced and has almost everything. At Matsuzaki Onsen, you can stay all night with the hot spring water flowing directly from the source. I can often hear the children in the next room, but it's usually a quiet inn with 7 rooms. This is a great cost performance for 10,000 yen with the addition of sashimi.

  • さる



    I stayed here because the food was highly rated. It was a room with a toilet. It's close to the sea, so I took a 30 minute walk in the morning. The sashimi with tail head is the best I've ever had at a ryokan. The hot springs are fed directly from the source. No water is added, heated, circulated, or disinfected. The pH is 8.5 and the dissolved ingredients are amazing at 2,177mg. The source temperature of 62.2℃ is lowered to 42℃ using groundwater. It's been a long time since I've encountered a natural hot spring that gives me such beautiful skin. The room is so clean that I can't believe it's been 35 years. I came across a ryokan with a high standard of food, hygiene management, and hot spring management.

  • 中村勇太(Nakamura Yuta)

    中村勇太(Nakamura Yuta)


    Overall, it was a very satisfying inn. The facility seems a little old, but every corner was well-cleaned and I felt comfortable. The room was spacious, and the amenities were clean and well-equipped. Since we visited with 4 people this time, we were very grateful that there was an extension cable in the room. I ordered breakfast and dinner, and I was very satisfied with the variety and taste. Many of the dishes made use of fresh seafood and were delicious. It was provided in a private room, so it was safe as a countermeasure against the coronavirus. There was also a convenience store a few minutes walk away which was very convenient. The service provided by the host was very attentive, and when I asked if they could sell me ice, they kindly provided me with a large amount of ice. I was able to relax and enjoy customer service with just the right amount of distance. One thing to keep in mind is that while I think this can't be helped, there were times when I could hear some noise from other rooms when I was sleeping, so if that bothers you, I recommend using earplugs. In addition, there is a parking lot near the entrance, but when there are many guests, it is necessary to park in a narrow space, and since it faces the road, please be careful when parking in the back.

  • Victoria Ostrovsky

    Victoria Ostrovsky


    Beautiful traditional style Ryokan. We had an amazing feast. The photo I took was before they brought all the dishes in!

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