Pension Surf Rider i Nishiizu

JapanPension Surf Rider


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521-185 Nishina, Nishiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3514, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 558-52-1414
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Latitude: 34.7667952, Longitude: 138.7772443

kommentar 5

  • rahul shende

    rahul shende


    Enjoyed our stay at the Pension Surf Rider. The hostess was very friendly and also recommended us few restaurants nearby. The breakfast was too good. The plus point is the open air bath which we enjoyed along with the indoor onsen. There are 2 conbini near by.

  • Marco Caselli

    Marco Caselli


    Very nice place, with private onsen for you and your partner or friends. The place is nice, clean, confortable and big (for japanese standard). There are nice spots nearby to visit, the only bad point is the town which is very quiet in the night, just some restaurants and bars.

  • Flávio Yukio

    Flávio Yukio


    it was very bad you need to make a reservation to take a shower and there were cockroaches in the room and also there was no room service I do not recommend

  • Ben Sykes Thompson

    Ben Sykes Thompson


    Great place - really good price and good location. 15 minute from oozawasou onsen by car - big recommendation. The outside bath at this place was really good too - evening wind and sounds of waves a great background. All in all a really homey feel that perfectly matches the surrounding area. Happily stay here again! Katsuzen was also a great evening meal be open late.

  • Mehdi Benallegue

    Mehdi Benallegue


    Very nice hotel with a warm staff. Amazing environment, a bit far by foot from Dogashima.

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