Dogashima Land Hopia i Nishiizu

JapanDogashima Land Hopia



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Japan, 〒410-3514 Shizuoka, Kamo District, Nishiizu, Nishina, 浮島海岸
kontakter telefon: +81 558-53-1637
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7947704, Longitude: 138.7589726

kommentar 5

  • 中谷雄貴



    I used it for camping. I come here often because they let me use the facilities freely. The new barbecue area was also a nice touch.

  • Mkあすか



    It's dirty and small, and the rooms and BBQ area aren't kept well-cleaned and some of them are broken. I'm scared of dead insects. However, the location is the best. It's close to the sea, so it feels like sleeping in a beach house... Honestly it's expensive

  • Yoshiki Chhoa

    Yoshiki Chhoa


    We can’t put 0 star but if we could we would have. We came with my wife and her mother, so we booked for 3 people. When we arrived : the sheet (if we could call that a sheet) and the parking were an extra charge … so we paid and went to the house. Firstly the house is really dirty. Secondly, there were 3 futons but it couldn’t fit … only 2 could fit (and we did all our best, moving table, tv etc…) So we went back to the reception and ask for a real house for 3 like we paid for ! The woman at the reception was very kind. But she had to talk to her boss (actually her daughter) to describe the situation … I had to talk to the boss … an really awful lady, her conclusion : the other guest did not complain so shut up … we had to go back with the reception lady in the room so she could witness the problem. Even with the witness, the boss didn’t want to do anything … finally she agreed to move us out but we had to pay an extra charge …. The new house was the same : really dirty. We found some insect, dead caterpillars, lot of mold. It’s like no one came to the house for a long time… Not really commun to have this kind of experience in Japan but I really do not recommend this place … Oh and it was really expensive too … especially for this kind of house (25000¥ to be treated like garbage and sleep on the floor is a bit expensive)

  • 廣瀬徳人



    Accommodation for barbecue purposes. The location was perfect, the sea was right there, and the shower was easy to use. Everything else was terrible, the ceiling of the room was full of spider webs, there were ants walking on the tatami mats, and there was a giant spider the size of a fist. It's not very clean, but there are things you notice when checking the room, and you can see that it hasn't been properly cleaned. Although the residence is old and has been deceived, it is in disrepair in places and looks terrible. Since the price is not cheap, there will definitely be no repeat orders. I do not recommend it.You should consider other accommodations.

  • ワサビわさび



    I was a little worried after reading the reviews, but it turned out to be great! It's true that the room was a little dirty, but since we were out camping and having a BBQ, it wasn't a problem. We enjoyed BBQ and a bonfire in a great location surrounded by nature with a view of the ocean! It was helpful to have various supplies available. I would also like to visit another Nishiizu Land Hopia!

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