Iseikai International General Hospital i Osaka

JapanIseikai International General Hospital


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6-chōme-4-14 Minamiōgimachi, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
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Latitude: 34.7387666, Longitude: 135.5235489

kommentar 5

  • 山窩人



    This is a hospital that also handles emergencies. You can use your card and get your medicine prescribed in the hospital. You can also use PayPay. However, there are some people who treat you in an unpleasant manner, so if you are looking for kindness, we recommend you to look elsewhere. It's not a tingly feeling, it's an irritated feeling. Perhaps for that reason, the diagnosis is often made easily and there is no detailed explanation. It is said that the Shide Theater will be relocated to Ogimachi next year.

  • 〆鯖



    He was taken to this hospital as an emergency due to high fever. I was subjected to various tests without any explanation, and then loaded into an ambulance and taken to an affiliated hospital. When I asked him what he was going for, he said he was going to the hospital. He was taken to the hospital without any explanation, and the ambulance driver was very rough and drunk. Another thing that bothered me was that he kept calling me ``big brother'' instead of my name. I'm not feeling well so I can't write about the details, but the person in charge was so rude and didn't provide enough explanations from beginning to end. Even after arriving at an affiliated hospital, there were many cases of clumsiness, such as a lack of information coordination and medicines not being given, and the same tests being repeated. In the first place, it seemed like it was the flu this time, but the Ishinkai didn't even tell me that. It makes sense that it was accepted immediately.

  • 桃うさ



    This is an acute hospital. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, rehabilitation staff, and staff work closely together during hospitalization. (Depends on the department) Scheduled to move to Ogimachi in October 2023. It will be integrated into a huge hospital with over 500 beds and hotel-like facilities, including a theater, cafe, and training gym for rehabilitation. Please refer to the official website for details. It's busy right now because there are a lot of trainees and nurses from the association coming in due to the relocation, but we also accept a lot of patients with dementia, and it's humbling to see them being taken care of day and night. It's my job. You can look forward to seeing our highly communicative staff as they will be able to come to Ogimachi as is. There is a free shuttle bus that runs approximately every hour. It's small, but there's a shop and an ATM. (Lunch box provided. Magazines not for sale) Since it is an acute care hospital, patients are generally discharged quickly if they feel better. Depending on your condition, you can be referred to other hospitals that can treat your medical condition, so you don't have to worry. Although it is near Sugawara intersection, the noise does not bother me that much.

  • moka y

    moka y


    I was in the medical industry. I think the level of skill and hospitality of medical workers is lower than you are saying. The treatment of medical staff is also not much different from other hospitals. Treatment is the priority. Emergency outpatient doctors may have had a bad experience because they often work part-time, but I don't feel particularly bad about the doctors and nurses. However, the ``hospitality of non-medical personnel'' is generally poor, such as the woman working in regional cooperation, the woman at the reception desk with bob-cut glasses and lame eyes, and the general affairs staff member who is standing facing an elderly man in charge. I think the overall evaluation is low because there is no concern or concern for the patient at the entrance, and the patient is then dealt with by the next medical worker. The medical industry itself is too rich, and there is a tendency like this, but speaking from the perspective of having visited many hospitals, there is no doubt that the treatment of non-medical workers is at the lowest level. This level of scale is rare. However, if you go with the mindset that the customer service is the worst, there are many medical departments and it is comparable to general hospitals, there are young doctors and the speed is fast, and patients do not approach due to bad reviews, so there is a reasonable waiting time and very It's a convenient and nice place.

  • 松本海



    It's late anyway. Even though I came in an ambulance with a fever, it took an hour for them to scrape off my mucous membranes. What is an ambulance for? If I were to be taken away by the Iseikaikai, I should have refused with all my might. On the contrary, I am impressed that there is medical care that does not care about patients so much.

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