Suita Municipal Hospital i Suita

JapanSuita Municipal Hospital



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5-7 Kishibeshinmachi, Suita, Osaka 564-0018, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6387-3311
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7767592, Longitude: 135.5382869

kommentar 5

  • なごお



    I don't want to give even 1 star. Since she lives nearby and has a relative who works as a nurse at a municipal hospital, she went to the emergency room at night. However, why are there so many people with such bad attitudes from the phone, the security guard, the receptionist, the doctor, and the nurse? lol Do we patients really understand that there is a reason why we come here because we are feeling tired? In my case, I went to see a doctor because of the pain caused by my injury. It hurt so much that I had to try not to panic. I could still put up with the bad attitude of the phone call and the receptionist. However, there was not even a single word of sympathy from the doctors and nurses. As soon as the nurse heard about the situation, she told me not to do this next time and immediately got angry. To me, who was quite afraid of local anesthesia, she said, ``Well, you can do it without anesthesia, but it hurts. Which do you want to do? We need to do it quickly.'' It sounded like a very heartless statement. Other than that, I felt pain and anger because every phone call and way I asked about the situation, such as ``Can you do that for me?'' and ``Um, what do you mean by that?'' all sounded like provocations. I thought that they were fundamentally forgetting that they had to consider the other person's feelings. It doesn't matter to me whether you're busy with work or not. I chose this clinic because of the peace of mind that my family members were working there, but I will never visit the clinic again. This injury, coupled with my bad attitude, was quite traumatic. I don't think I can fully convey what I meant in writing due to my lack of vocabulary, but I hope this review will be helpful.

  • y.y



    My family looked like they were in pain, so I went to the emergency department. Before I went, I checked the website and it said that I needed a phone call, so I called them, but they couldn't pick up, so I just took them there, but the receptionist's response was terrible. I was told, ``Please call me before coming,'' but I was told several times, ``I did, but I didn't answer and it seemed like it was going to be hard for my family, so I had no choice but to bring you here. Isn't that right? Please call first and then come." Even when I showed them the history of calls I made using the number I was supposed to call, they just said, ``That's true, but please call before coming.'' When I said, ``So, if you don't answer the phone, do you mean I should call an ambulance?'' That's not the point.'' First of all, wouldn't it have been better if you had called the correct number and said that you were sorry for not being able to answer the call while you were showing your history? ? Should I have waited until it came out? I understand that there is a shortage of manpower, but wouldn't it have been nice to just say, ``I'm sorry that I can't answer the phone due to a lack of manpower?'' It was very unpleasant to be told as if it was completely my fault. The person who operated on me and the nurses were very kind and polite, but that was the only thing I was disappointed about. Please be careful if you are going in an emergency.

  • kob di.

    kob di.


    2/17 The lady at the night reception. I couldn't even register because it was late at night. It's also my fault that I went to the emergency room at night without checking the hospital's evaluation. At another hospital, they politely told me that I could call 119 without hesitation if I was having a difficult time. (The receptionist at this hospital feels like it's his job to refuse requests at night, so we recommend that you look at the reviews before making your decision.) I have not met the teachers and nurses, so I have not included them in the same evaluation.

  • はー眠たい



    Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultation: To put it simply, internal coordination is very poor. The administrative support is not good and there is no handover. I think there are many doctors who are good in terms of skill and response, but when a specialist is not available in an emergency room, etc., it is better to assume that the response is not as good.

  • m m

    m m


    As mentioned in other reviews, the telephone exchange staff's response is unpleasant. I don't listen to what people say at all, and my responses are so random that I lose the desire to talk. There is no point in having the nurse or doctor tell you that you are not feeling well and are going to see a doctor. It was very unpleasant. I also gave birth here, and one of the midwives in the hospital was always irritated, and the other staff seemed to be concerned about her as well. I was irritated with the patient and spoke harshly, making it uncomfortable because I couldn't ask what they wanted to hear. When I spoke to other people, they said the same thing.

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