Nishinomiya Municipal Central Hospital i Nishinomiya

JapanNishinomiya Municipal Central Hospital



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8-24 Hayashidachō, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8014, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 798-64-1515
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7574054, Longitude: 135.3621248

kommentar 5

  • とも



    When my family called to see a doctor in the afternoon because they had severe abdominal pain, they told me that the first doctor's appointment would not be accepted until 11 o'clock. When I asked, ``Private hospitals in the area are closed on Wednesdays, would you be able to respond?'' I was told, ``No, it's not possible. Please use an ambulance.'' I was rejected straight away. It was a hospital that was more concerned about following the rules than respecting life.

  • ayame ayame

    ayame ayame


    The orthopedic surgeon here was the worst. I'm still having trouble getting rid of the pain. Also, I had the doctor write a medical certificate for my residual disability, but the insurance company asked me to write it in a little more detail, so I told the staff at the hospital, but the staff responded very poorly. It's over. It was a hospital that didn't understand the feelings of people who were in pain that would never recover from a traffic accident.

  • もる



    The other day, I was admitted to the 6th floor ward. The doctors in charge and on duty gave very detailed explanations, and the nurses were all extremely dedicated. I had a very anxious stay in the hospital, but I'm glad I was able to get out of the hospital sooner than I expected.

  • chibi mii

    chibi mii


    He was the worst doctor. There is no consideration given to patients who come to the hospital feeling anxious, and even when explaining the same content as at other hospitals, there is no empathy for patients at all. We recommend that those who seek medical attention should do so only if they do not need psychological care during a painful and anxious state. I definitely do not recommend this type of hospital for serious illnesses or surgeries. I will never forget the arrogant attitude of this doctor. Immediately after this hospital, I went to another hospital, where I was given a thorough explanation, and although the surgery schedule was full, they said they would be willing to make arrangements, and the surgery was performed two days later. The doctor took various measures to make the scar less noticeable and told me to read a lot of papers in preparation for the surgery. Again, at Nishinomiya Hospital, I was told in an arrogant manner that I didn't know what to say, without even looking at me, when I tried hard to convey what I was trying to convey even though I was unable to speak. I was left alone with no explanation given and my anxiety aroused. It left a scar on my heart that will never go away. I do not recommend going to this hospital, and I think there are better hospitals in terms of the relationship between the doctors and nurses and the cleanliness of the hospital. Even now, as time has passed, I still feel the ugly and cruel expression on that doctor's face that pops into my head at random moments, and I am in great pain. It was the first time in my life that I had been looked at in such a creepy way, so I don't think it will easily disappear from my memory and I will continue to suffer. I don't want patients to be hurt like this again.

  • Andy Henoheno

    Andy Henoheno


    First visit in August 2021 for chest CT (secondary medical checkup). I had received a referral letter and appointment slip from a local clinic, so things went very smoothly. To verify your identity, you must give your full name at each counter. The reservation was made from 9:00am, and the CT scan was completed by 9:10am. I waited for the image data, paid, and left the hospital around 9:30. 【payment】 Credit cards accepted. In that case, you will need to request that you pay by card when you hand over your document file to the fee calculation counter after your medical examination.

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