Takatsuki General Hospital i Takatsuki

JapanTakatsuki General Hospital


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1-chōme-3-13 Kosobechō, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-1192, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-681-3801
internet side: takatsuki.aijinkai.or.jp
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Latitude: 34.855661, Longitude: 135.6207264

kommentar 5

  • T T

    T T


    This is the only doctor available for obstetrics and gynecology in the emergency department at night, so I took a taxi for an hour, but the female nurse was extremely helpful! Do you give out personal information in a loud voice that can be heard by people waiting in the waiting room, and do you wait until you are in the examination room to discuss such delicate matters when checking your symptoms? ? ? ! I didn't have the energy to get angry because I was unwell and couldn't help it, but this... This is nothing but an invasion of privacy! ? I guess this hospital doesn't even provide such training. Will I go again?

  • Laughter



    A female dermatologist performed the surgery. It was my first time undergoing surgery and I was nervous, so I spoke to a female doctor and she said, ``The only pain you'll feel is a tingling sensation from the anesthesia.'' I was skeptical, but the female doctor was right. I have been feeling comfortable since my surgery. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the female doctor and nurses for their kind and courteous care.

  • あさみ



    I was hospitalized for 2 months due to premature labor and gave birth to twins vaginally. It's really the best hospital. The waiting time is quite long. There's no point in making a reservation (lol), but there's a cafe so I don't really mind if I kill time there. I went to a high-risk outpatient clinic, but my doctor, Dr. Nishikawa, was really reliable and looked at me thoroughly every time, and even when I asked a lot of questions, he listened to all of them, so I had very little anxiety during my pregnancy. Even when I was in the hospital, all the midwives I saw were great, and they listened to me a lot even when I was crying because I was suffering from mental stress during the long hospital stay. The delivery took place from midnight on Saturday to Sunday, but Dr. Nishikawa came and gave birth to twins, 10 minutes apart, and both were healthy and healthy. The room was private and spacious and clean, but the food was bland and not very tasty (lol) The postpartum snack was a department store dessert and was really delicious! Even if I become pregnant again, I will still go to Takatsuki Hospital even if I am far away from home, the food is not delicious, or the waiting time is long!

  • Shokupanman



    I was admitted to the pediatric department for an examination. During my previous consultations, the doctors, nurses, and receptionists were all very kind. Even though it's still new, the inside of the hospital is very clean. I had requested a large room because I was scheduled to stay in the hospital for one night for the test, but they took the details of the test into consideration and gave me a private room. (I think he probably gave me the money order that happened to be available.) Since it's a pediatrics department, the pictures on the walls and the waiting room are very cute, which makes me feel cheerful. There was a picture of an animal on the door of the room and the kids seemed to enjoy it. The private room has a toilet and sink, so it was very helpful for me as I have small children because we could do things in the same space. I co-slept in my child's bed, so I thought that if my child got older, I would be better off bringing a futon and sleeping on a cot. The child is an infant. They were very kind and provided a microwave, hot towels (they were quite large, so I thought they were great for wiping the body for those who can't take a bath), and free drinks such as tea and water. There is a children's room, and picture books can be viewed in the hospital room. This was my first time being hospitalized with a child, so I was a bit nervous, but thanks to the clean hospital room and kind staff, I was able to spend a comfortable stay in the hospital. Thank you to everyone.

  • 職人悠桃真



    I was admitted to the hospital for testing for apnea syndrome. Dinner and breakfast were delicious this time as well (low calories but delicious~seriously) This time I had a private room, so I'll add a picture. I'll also add an image of the cafe on the first floor. ●Even if you have a reservation, the waiting time is long 😡 There is a little recommendation because it is written like this. After completing the reception, you will receive a number slip. After submitting it to the reception desk of each department (reception in the 〇 block written on the number sheet), use your smartphone to enter the QR code at the bottom of the number sheet. and on the expanded page "Email registration". (Just send a blank email!) Then, when it's your turn, you'll be notified by email. So I usually go to the cafe on the first floor or go shopping, so I don't get angry about having to wait ✌️ The post below is from a previous hospitalization. ---------- I was discharged from the hospital today (2/19) ☺️ I learned a lot during my two-week stay in the hospital, and I felt like I needed to change my lifestyle patterns instead of forcing them to do so. Thanks to the treatment and explanations given by the doctors, I am happy to be discharged from the hospital in better condition than before I was admitted. All the nurses on the 8th floor (south) and 7th floor (south) treated me kindly and I had a safe stay in the hospital. It may be rude, but it was fun😁😁 That's right! When I was admitted to the hospital, I thought hospital food would be bad, especially since I am diabetic, but I was pleasantly surprised at how delicious the food was without any complaints during the two weeks I was there. I took pictures of all the menus I had while I was in the hospital, so I will use them as a model for my future eating habits. Thank you all for your hard work 🙇‍♀️ thank you. Also, the receptionists, office staff, and all the hospital staff I met when I took blood samples at the outpatient clinic didn't have the bad attitude you're saying. I could only imagine that everyone was smiling, kind and polite. ---------------- Added on 3/15. Since I am unable to report directly to the doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and other people who have been involved in my hospital stay, I would like to take this opportunity to report. The A1c value before admission was 9.5. It was 6.8 at the clinic after being discharged from the hospital😁 (This is the value 17 days after being discharged from the hospital) Thank you 😊

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