IKEA Restaurant i Kobe

JapanIKEA Restaurant



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8-chōme-7-1 Minatojima Nakamachi, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0046, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side: www.ikea.com
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Latitude: 34.6638219, Longitude: 135.2187556

kommentar 5

  • P Rodriguez

    P Rodriguez


    Large Ikea cafeteria. Lots of different seating areas. Great vegetarian options for Japan. A bit more expensive than I'd prefer, but where else are you getting a full trayof western food for under 2k?

  • Taobi



    Place was fairly decent. I got food here and my total was ¥1700. A little pricey for portion wise but cheaper than hotel foods. A lot of people but no issue finding a seat. Food is on 2ND FLOOR!!!! Dont be fool. 1st floor is HOTDOGS only. Was disappointed. After eating you can walk around and check out or maybe buy some furnishing items There are more foods option to choose from but i got swedish meatballs, beef potpie and walnut mixed with whip cream and cranberries for dessert.

  • Nix Theodorou

    Nix Theodorou


    on the second floor of Ikea there's a restaurant. they have plant based / vegan meatballs and curry! I was so surprised to see vegan options. the food was ok enough altho there was no vegetarian / vegan salad dressing so I ate a plain salad. it was extremely crowded but the line moved fast enough for the amount of people inside. Very affordable I paid 890 yen for everything in the photo.

  • Timothy HALL

    Timothy HALL


    Don't reserve tables with an umbrella! Get your food, finish paying, then find an open table, then sit down! On weekend mornings it is crowded. Young families with children cannot find a seat because groups of 2 people place an item on a table meant to seat 6 people and then get in line for food for roughly 15 minutes without using the table. This was the case with about 20 tables. Common courtesy is completely absent. Further, if you choose to use the restaurant for studying for hours using the free wifi and 140 yen endless drink bar, then be aware of the space considerations when people with families trying to eat quickly and leave cannot find any space to sit. Again, common courtesy.

  • Riki Urabe

    Riki Urabe


    Decent food to get along inside IKEA. It's more cafeteria style than restaurant but there's good selection of food to choose from. Got the fish and chips and it was good enough. Went for late lunch during weekday and the place was pretty empty.

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