Hotel Okura Kobe i Kobe

JapanHotel Okura Kobe


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2-1 Hatobachō, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-8560, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-333-0111
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6840979, Longitude: 135.1882083

kommentar 5

  • Don Symss

    Don Symss


    Excellent presentation throughout the whole hotel, staff are very friendly and accommodating with any requests. The breakfast buffet was excellent with a various amount of selections. We would definitely stay there again. If you are going to Japan you need to get the Translate App from Google Play Store I found it performed better than the Apple Version. The app let's you speak in English and translates it into Japanese which will read it out and display it in Japanese or you can use the app to take a photo of the words in Japanese and translate it into English for you.

  • Zara Leek

    Zara Leek


    This hotel was great value for money. It has a beautiful lobby, a garden with cherry blossoms and our room was generous with a lovely view.

  • Justin S

    Justin S


    A fantastic Beautiful hotel. Walking into the lobby felt so open with a view of a small pond and garden. Room was nice with a great veiw. A shuttle bus comes often to the hotel to pick up residents and taking them to the city just outside the train station. Breakfast was delicious, with a large range of foods to choose from at the buffet. Overall was a great hotel to come back to after a long day of walking and exploring Kobe/Osaka.

  • Saki Chatzichristidis

    Saki Chatzichristidis


    We checked in today for 3 nights and wer looking forward to the gym and pool only to our disappointment to find out that the Hotel charges enter for the usage, that is unusual for hotels of this category and if we knew that beforehand, maybe we would have booked a hotel without a gym and without a pool at a far better price per night as the room rate actually reflects the star rating which a Hotel gets for having a pool and gym facilities. Next stay in Kobe we will probably choose another Hotel as this is an unpleasant experience. Otherwise staff is nice, service is good but inflexible we arrive 14:15 and wer told we only get our room at 3 pm ( company policy) so we were tired and to hang ou at a nearby Coffe shop wasting time. I don't think it makes a difference to the Hotel to give you a room 45 mins earlier. That's another unpleasant experience making me wonder if it's worth coming back or not. Spending a good 150 nights a year in Hotels this is the first time I was charged for pool/gym usage. Even for Japan the Hotel charges a premium but fails to deliver in the end.

  • Edd G

    Edd G


    It’s not quite convenient for tourists unless you do drive the car. Although the hotel has shuttle, it takes quite some time getting to the JR station. And you can barely walk near the hotel. The view is good, but unless you would stay in the hotel forever, I still prefer those near stations.

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