Hotel Nord Otaru en Otaru

JapónHotel Nord Otaru


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1-chōme-4-16 Ironai, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0031, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 134-24-0500
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Latitude: 43.199357, Longitude: 141.001138

comentarios 5

  • Stevez Chua

    Stevez Chua


    This hotel exceeds my expectation during my family vacation. We are allocated Grande4 which is a spacious room with 2 toilets facing the canal. The room has all the amenities we need and a v nice bathing area. It feels luxurious in the room. Very happy in it. The hotel room is also v clean. The team did a great job cleaning our room everyday. Good job!! Front desk staff gave us very good recommendation on food choice and help us teserve the Blue Cave Cruise since the website is all in Japanese. Really appreciate the hospitality and kindness during our 4D3N stay. Thank you!!!

  • R J

    R J


    Just went to the top level bar for a drink. Not busy and reasonable outlook. I would have given a 5 star review, but the bar tender could not make simple cocktails like a Margarita.

  • Rory Underwood

    Rory Underwood


    Great location right by the canal. The hotel itself is beautiful and the staff are very friendly and helpful. The rooms themselves are standard as you'd expect. The only let down was the constant renovation work with power tools. It was so loud in our room it gave me a migraine so I couldn't enjoy my stay as much. Nothing was offered to make up for the inconvenience.

  • Kerris



    This is a nice hotel in a great location and compared to other 3 star hotels I have stayed in, in Hokkaido, it performs very well. You have all the things you need: phone charger, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand wash, hairdryer, hairbrushes, cotton buds, razor, towels, bath robe, slippers, couple of green tea sachets and a kettle in the room and a shower over bathtub. Very decent. The beds were extraordinarily soft. You sink into them like a soft sponge. Too soft for my liking but I’m sure others will have a different view.

  • Alex Thomas

    Alex Thomas


    Fantastic location overlooking the canals in Otaru. Best thing about the hotel was having a separate bathroom and a separate toilet… Especially useful when travelling with families! 😁 Gorgeous stained glass window and you can see the amazing sunset from the top floor as well Reception was large and the front desk folk were very friendly and helpful. Overall would highly recommend this hotel

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