Hotel Gran Spa Avenue in Asakura

JapanHotel Gran Spa Avenue


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1677-2 Amagi, Asakura, Fukuoka 838-0068, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 946-22-1215
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.4186252, Longitude: 130.6546899

kommentare 5

  • hideaki tamai

    hideaki tamai


    Monthly at the nearby Yakitori Yasubei and Zet Hot water is the best in western Japan

  • D K Pow

    D K Pow


    Not recommended for any non-local tourists looking for a place to stay overnight when you’re in Asakura and want a Japanese-style room ❗️ Booked a Japanese-style room with expectations of APA hotel chain (which I used to have ok experience without issues in Tokyo and elsewhere in Honshu before), and based on photos on the website (which’re misleadingly bright and clean so don’t be fooled by them — I guess they’re taken ages ago). I was assigned a room which’s normally used as a 休憩室 (resting room for day visitors) on 4th floor. The floor was full of guests of hourly rental making noise in the corridors and in the rooms late at night. Room has no curtains, and just some primitive broken “paper window” (not even taped for the holes), so you’d be awaken by sunlight at 5ish am. Futons were extremely thin and hard. Room surfaces (floor mats, seating mats, tatami) were dusty / dirty / slimy / mouldy, like a motel room. Towels were disgustingly dirty with yellow/brown stains, and upon request of exchange the new towels given to me had blood-red stains… Furthermore, it’s the only hotel I’ve ever stayed across Japan without providing fabric /surface spray in the room. The toilet was narrow with no ventilators. So overall it’s like a Japanese horror-movie experience. Significant room for improvement. Luckily I asked for a change to Western-style room which was more habitable and cleaner. However, the corridor was frequently filled with smell of cigarette smoke. Last but not least, breakfast buffet was included for room guests — but options were really limited with subpar quality. The plates were not clean. I decided to skip it on the next morning and had McDonald’s nearby instead. Positive reviews on Google are mostly about the day-onsen public baths — which I could somewhat understand (to be fair, it’s basic and old, but alright). If not for the onsen, it’s a zero-star unpleasant experience for my stay here.

  • TV HT

    TV HT


    Enjoy indoor onsen with pleasure.

  • Chris



    The onsen here is pretty nice. Good water - if you like pH 10 water! There is a sauna and cold water bath, too, which are pluses.

  • 吉山一彦




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