Hotel Fujiya w Sendai

JaponiaHotel Fujiya


brak informacji

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5-chōme-3-23 Nagamachi, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0011, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 22-247-8001
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Latitude: 38.2270351, Longitude: 140.8847077

komentarze 5

  • kami tako

    kami tako


    Conveniently located near Nagamachi Station. Please note that there are no hair brushes for amenities. Breakfast was delicious.

  • blue



    I use it occasionally because it's close to Nagamachi Station and the fares are cheap even on weekends. [Amenity] Razor, toothbrush, body soap, shampoo, conditioner, hair dryer [Indoor equipment] Kettle, refrigerator, TV, Wi-Fi Convenience store is also nearby so it's convenient.

  • カズ



    My new favorite store. Visited for lunch. It's nice to have a large serving of rice and free refills. This time it's fried oysters set meal. It was a fresh and plump fried oyster. Now 950 yen is reasonable. The miso soup has a strong soup stock and is delicious. It's definitely a repeat.

  • 花村くつぎ



    Even though it's right in front of Nagamachi Station, it feels like a little-known secret. The inside of the restaurant was larger than I expected for lunch, but the quality of the food was not bad. There's no need to go out of your way, but I think it's good for people living in the local area.

  • いぬ



    Visited during dinner time on a weekday. A restaurant on the 1st floor of a business hotel in front of the station. When I passed by a building, I always wondered if I should enter through the entrance where I could see the food sign and the inside. One day when I was walking around without deciding where to eat, I finally decided to visit. Inside, the store is long and narrow, with tables for four and tables for two lined up along the wall. It was empty, so I secured a table seat in front of the kitchen in the back. The staff member said "welcome" and brought me a menu, so I took a look. The other day, I had a tonkatsu set meal that was a little disappointing, so I decided to try it again here. It's not a specialty store, but I wanted to try it. There seemed to be two small bowls to choose from, so I chose Kinpira Burdock and Tororo. It's an unusual system. Is it suitable for drinking alcohol? There are also many fish-based set meals that I really want to try. When you visit again, try that too. You can also enter from the hotel side, so it feels like a business hotel with such a dignified place to eat. However, I thought it was just hotel guests, but there were more customers coming in from outside. Well, the tonkatsu came and I tried it right away, but for better or worse, it felt like a tonkatsu from a restaurant. At worst, it's cheap. The clothing peels off easily. A little hard. It's fatty and delicious, but it tastes just like the prepared foods you buy at the supermarket. To put it bluntly, it's fine because it's like this. I knew that when I came to eat. A sense of stability. I would like to eat it with tororo or mentsuyu, but the table seasonings are simple: sauce, soy sauce, and shichimi, so I can't do anything complicated. The mustard came on a separate plate, and the bit of cabbage tasted like it was covered in dressing. Also, the macaroni salad is hidden away.

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