Sendai Washington Hotel w Sendai

JaponiaSendai Washington Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-10-10-8 Chūō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0021, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 22-745-2222
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.2572804, Longitude: 140.8811576

komentarze 5

  • Stewart Wan

    Stewart Wan


    Value for money choice! The bathroom is good, the best ever in Washington hotel brand so far. Location is very good. Close to the Sendai asaichi market, nice restaurant nearby too.

  • Wanchat Pimsuwan

    Wanchat Pimsuwan


    It’s easy to go from the sendai station. This place have the convenient store for buy something you want before go to your room. They have free standard amenities for guests. I like bathtub it makes me to relax. Breakfast is delicious. The service staff are excellent and have service minded. If I’ve plan to visit sendai in the future I will back to stay at here.

  • Nils Valentin

    Nils Valentin


    Perfectly located even for a walk-in clients. I enjoyed the wide variety of the breakfast buffet. This very Japanese style buffet as a healthy balance highlighting the quality of local dishes. Watch out for the seasonal specialities ! There are some gems to be discovered and there is something for everyone for sure ! When you finally got passed the many main dishes and you still have space in your stomach try the desserts ! The Greek / kaspis yoghurt is amazingly smooth. Try it with the cut fruits on the side and a refreshing splash of strawberry jam. Wow ! Ooh and THAT milk pudding is also worth mentioning !!! 🤤😋 :-) Besides that you will find the usual drink bar, soft drinks, coffee, milk, yoghurt, salad etc. The staff is very hospitable and attentive. Buffet items are quickly refilled & fresh. The Washington Hotel is conveniently located a close 3 minute walk from Sendai station. The breakfast buffet is available from 6:30 - 10 AM (weekdays) or 7:00 - 10:00 ( weekend & holidays). The clientele is international.

  • Logan Flory

    Logan Flory


    Fantastic location and service, but I think the rooms suffer from some very noticeable flaws. 1. My room faced due East, and the curtains in my room were very light and see through, because of this I woke up at 5am. A heavier curtain would fix this easily. 2. The wet room is very spacious and nice, but a hand rail or anything to grab onto would be very nice to have for accessibility. 3. The mattress is very hard, which isn't too much of a problem but it should be noted, and the pillows are kinda lumpy and don't provide much support. 4. The mini fridge provided in the room makes a lot of noise and it's right next to the head of the bed, this wasn't much of a problem for me but I know it could be for others. Other than these problems, my stay was enjoyable.

  • Mario



    Modern hotel conveniently ~5mins walk from Sendai station (once you figure out the best station exit), and very well priced. The staff at the reception were very welcoming and professional when we arrived early before check-in time and wanted to drop off our luggage. We returned later in the afternoon, and found the check-in process perhaps a little more laborious than other hotels we stayed at, as there was a questionnaire to fill in. Thankfully there were no queues, and the additional questionnaire took only an extra 1-2 minutes. We were given 2 key-cards, which was convenient for my travel partner and I. The room itself looked modern, although not much of a view, with only a narrow window facing into another building. The bed in our double room was comfortable, and there were light controls near the bed head, to control ~4 light zones in the room, which was neat. If there is one negative, it's that the room only had one chair, despite being a double room and booking for 2 people. But the best thing about the room was the spacious bathroom/toilet.. and in particular the wet-room with a bathtub which was so versatile and generous. It made for a very relaxing stay.

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