The Westin Sendai w Sendai

JaponiaThe Westin Sendai


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-9-1 Ichibanchō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0811, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 22-722-1234
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 38.2564637, Longitude: 140.8762422

komentarze 5

  • Brice Park

    Brice Park


    As a frequent traveler and loyal Marriott customer with Platinum status for over eight years, I have several concerns about this hotel's operations, particularly regarding health and safety standards: Lobby Location and Accessibility: The lobby is situated on the 26th floor, and the building is poorly lit at night. First-time visitors should be cautious to avoid entering any rooms by mistake and consider returning to their rooms before 10 PM. No one care about you from entrance door at night. Blocked Emergency Exit: The emergency exit is obstructed by kitchen operations, with carpets and racks improperly placed. Despite raising this issue with the front manager, I was told this is normal and not a problem, which contradicts standard safety practices. Service Quality: While the service is acceptable, it is on par with a standard Japanese business hotel, not what I expect from a Marriott property. In case of any trouble, guests may find themselves in a difficult situation. Overall, my experience here has been disappointing, especially given my long-standing loyalty to the Marriott brand. I hope the management takes these concerns seriously and addresses them promptly.

  • Robert Blake

    Robert Blake


    This hotel was in a great location - close to shopping, many restaurants and train lines. The staff were all friendly and provided outstanding service. The room I had was quite large, felt modern and was very clean with a great view. I didn't have the opportunity to eat at any of the hotel restaurants, but they looked quite good. I did grab a beer in the Executive lounge both nights, which was crowded.

  • Luciano Ascanio

    Luciano Ascanio


    The hotel is located at the top of the tallest building in the Tohoku region of Japan. It has a very good view, and depending on the season, you can see the snow-capped mountains beyond. The hotel is very clean, both in the common areas such as the gym and in the rooms, and you will enjoy the same great Westin service that you have come to expect around the world. If you have any special requests during your stay, they will do their best to accommodate you. For breakfast, I always enjoy room service, but the restaurant seems to offer regional favorites like beef tongue.

  • Adam Shoshani

    Adam Shoshani


    The Westin Sendai is an overall great hotel. It's centrally located, just a few minutes walk from Sendai Station, the main streets and Parco. The staff was super friendly and helpful and check-in and check-out were seamless. I haven't tried breakfast but the venue looks great. Rooms were spacious, comfortable and with amazing views of Sendai and the mountains on the horizon. The gym was a little disappointing with outdated machines, especially the treadmills which I think should be replaced. Other than that I had a great stay and when I come to Sendai again it will most probably be to this hotel.

  • Ferry jazz

    Ferry jazz


    I love this hotel so much. Room is super spacious and love the scent of this hotel too. Walking distance to many places such as Sendai Morning Market , donki donki, Japanese local restaurants and Sendai Station. If you didn’t book breakfast here is fine too, there are some restaurant nearby early in the morning too. We drove our car here , however you need to pay JPY 1500 per day to park your car. Reception is at 26th floor so once you park your car you need to take lift to lobby and from lobby take another lift to reception check in.

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