Hotel AZ Fukuoka Iizuka in Iizuka

JapanHotel AZ Fukuoka Iizuka


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53-2 Tarōmaru, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-0076, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 948-28-3301
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.6010229, Longitude: 130.6735153

kommentare 5

  • Wtan Ptan

    Wtan Ptan


    As far as I can see on the map, there is a ramen restaurant and a yakitori restaurant nearby. There are no convenience stores or supermarkets. Either way, it's hard to imagine staying at this hotel without a car, so as long as you have a car, it's probably not a problem. It's always convenient to have an outlet next to the bed compared to AZ. That's all, but it's important to say so! There's one problem! The window doesn't open! It's not even worth turning on the air conditioner during this early spring season! There are no mosquitoes and I want to open the windows to get some fresh air, but it's the worst thing to not be able to open the windows. A room with bunk beds? Mat is hard. The size is single and narrow. Too small for a fat man. That's what I said! Better than smoking singles! It was the ultimate choice!

  • どすこいクリゲン



    The hotel is a little far from the center of Iizuka city, and there are no convenience stores around the hotel. Accommodation rates are reasonable, so it is recommended if you are traveling by car.

  • Lily Black

    Lily Black


    I made an appointment because it was close to the hospital, so I thought I would be able to see her on the day and two days. The semi-double bunk bed was sturdy, so I was able to sleep comfortably without making any noise. Free breakfast included, free parking, and I was surprised at how cheap it was. I was sleepy after driving for 7 hours from Osaka, so I was grateful that you came in even though it was 30 minutes early. I'm very satisfied

  • 小物界の小物



    I used it for about a week. I appreciate that there is a smoking room. There is also an outlet near the bed. Even though the free breakfast changes daily, the repertoire is limited. It can't be helped because it's free. You can get ice and borrow a mug if you ask at the front desk!

  • Nomu2



    This is the Iizuka branch of Hotel AZ, a chain hotel located in the Kyushu region. Even in Iizuka, it is quite far from the center and not within walking distance from any station. There is an inconvenience that you cannot use it without a car. They sell reasonably priced and breakfast buffet sets for less than 5,000 yen, and the service and room design are tailored to suit their needs. For this reason, they are not participating in national travel support, but I think there is no problem since they are properly announcing it on their homepage. I can't complain even if the guest room is small or the breakfast is mediocre because the hotel's attitude is clear. That's why I gave it the standard 3 stars.

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