Route Inn Grantia Wakamiya in Miyawaka

JapanRoute Inn Grantia Wakamiya


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778-1 Wakita, Miyawaka, Fukuoka 822-0133, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 949-54-0305
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.696074, Longitude: 130.584753

kommentare 5

  • ヒーロー



    I used it as a day bath. The location is in the mountains, and there is a large signboard at the entrance, so you can easily find it. I made a reservation on a certain website, so the process went smoothly. I used it during the daytime on a weekday, but there weren't that many people using it, so I think it's a great facility if you want to spend some time relaxing. ☆Hot spring There are three types of indoor baths: hot water, lukewarm water, and cold water. There were also three types of open-air baths, one of which was a cave bath. There was information that there was also a pot bath, but there was none this time. (Maybe the men's and women's baths change daily?) The hot water had a smooth feel and felt comfortable. However, I feel like it has a strong chlorine (?) smell. It doesn't bother me, but some people may. There is also a dry sauna that can accommodate about 10 people, and the temperature is 80 to 90 degrees Celsius. Maybe the temperature is a little low. ☆General facilities Although it is not large, there is a rest room, and although I did not use it this time, there is also a dining area. There is a space where you can read manga for an additional fee, and there is also play equipment for children to play with, although this also costs an additional fee. At the entrance, users can take home water free of charge. ☆Impressions Since this is a lodging facility, the open-air baths are not as big as super public baths, but it doesn't seem to be used much during the day, so if you want to take a relaxing soak in the hot springs, this is a good place.

  • Yusuke Kitagawa

    Yusuke Kitagawa


    The BEST ryokan I've stayed at in Japan! If you want a calm getaway in rural Japan, go here! The staff is so friendly. I was SHOCKED by how much they truly cared. As a vegetarian, I can't eat very much in Japan. I called the hotel ahead of time and they worked to make me what I can only call a vegetarian feast fit for a king! It was absolutely amazing. Also, they have karaoke, golf, billiards, a gorgeous rock onsen, a relaxation room with tons or manga, a massage chair room, and so much more! The location might be rural, but there is a lot to do. The town is so charming, and there are lots of places to hike. Many abandoned shrines that are beautiful, and Inunaki Dam + Inunaki Annex were breath-taking. The beds and accommodations were very comfortable too. Everything was wonderful. No complaints at all.

  • sangchan han

    sangchan han


    new indoor big playground open. nice for kids.

  • 이종수



    Like a sweethome

  • Anthony O'Brien

    Anthony O'Brien


    Go almost every year for onsen it is the most satisfying part of visiting our family in fukuoka

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