Hokke Club Sapporo en Sapporo

JapónHokke Club Sapporo


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3 Chome Kita 2 Jonishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-221-2141
sitio web: www.hokke.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0641651, Longitude: 141.3526509

comentarios 5

  • Thy D

    Thy D


    I have nothing bad to say. We always intended to spend more time exploring Hokkaido than staying in the room so I can't speak about the hotel's amenities much. There is a public bath available at the hotel, but I never bothered to use it. Some good to know points: COURTEOUS STAFF: Staff were polite and professional. You'll be fine even if you only know English. LOCATION: the hotel is about an 8 minute walk from JR Sapporo Station. The path from the station to the hotel is easy to cover with luggage. No steps or stairs to deal with. You're a 1 minute walk away from 7-Eleven and FamilyMart, and a 3 minute walk to a Lawson combini. Personally, I'd still choose this location over a hotel that's right by the station since it is a good balance between being close to public transporation and being close to tourist attractions (ex. Odori Park area, Sapporo Clock Tower, etc). We went during the June Yosakoi Soran Festival and the location was ideal. ROOM KEY: the room key is an actual key (not keycard) and there is only one key for each room. If you want room cleaning you'll need to leave the room key with the concierge in the morning. If you don't request room cleaning, housekeeping will leave a bag of fresh toiletries, i.e. towels, in front of your door instead. To get your key back, go to the hotel concierge and state your room number and name with the concierge and they'll give you the key back. The single room key is good to keep in mind if you're planning to split a hotel room with friends that have their own plans for the day as you'll need to plan for who has the only key to access the room. What I recommend is to leave the room key with the concierge for room cleaning in the morning that way whoever comes back first to the hotel can just ask the concierge for the key. ROOM: we got a non-smoking room. I was initially concerned since I read some reviews that say even the non-smoking rooms smelt like smoke, but honestly, it smelt fine. The room didn't smell like smoke, it just smelt like stale air as the hotel is a little older. It passes all the basic tests such as: no bed bugs, room was clean, the air conditioner worked. All the outlets in the main room are located by the desk that is in the room. They provided us with the usual toiletries (towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair comb, etc.) and pajamas. The washroom is quite small. You have enough standing room for one person at a time. LUGGAGE: Yes, the hotel does have luggage storage services for guests. On our check-out day we asked the concierge to hold onto our luggage for the day since we wanted to explore the city without hauling our luggage around before our flight in the evening. No problems.

  • DJE



    I chose a semi-double single non-smoking room. High floor - facing street. I stayed here 3 nights in February. I could open the window a little which was a bonus. Air conditioning worked well and pretty quiet. The room was very comfortable, clean and quiet. A good & convenient area not too far to walk from Sapporo station. Away from the hussle and bussle, yet close enough to everything. Room was small, but everything I needed. Great value for money. I didn't eat here. I'd stay here again if price was similar great value.

  • สลัด ผัก

    สลัด ผัก


    Good location 400m from JR Sapporo station You can walk to Tanukoji shopping street or suzukino area about 800m from the hotel or you can walk for sightseeing city they are all around The convenience stores are around the hotel Good breakfast, nice staff I love this hotel




    Location is superp, close to sapporo station n odori park n clock tower. Family mart is around the corner. 3 bed room is spacious. Toilet is quite small. Public bath is on B2. Staff are great

  • Juyeol Ryu

    Juyeol Ryu


    It is located very close to Sapporo Station, so it is very convenient to use public transportation. The inside of the hotel is a little small, but there is a public hot spring on the second basement floor. The staff are very friendly and the lobby on the first floor is spacious, giving a good feeling when entering the hotel. Considering the cost-effectiveness, I think it's a great hotel around Sapporo Station.

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