Hiroshima Bank Iwakuni i Iwakuni

JapanHiroshima Bank Iwakuni



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-7-7 Marifumachi, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi 740-0018, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 827-22-3131
internet side: www.hirogin.co.jp
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Latitude: 34.1690764, Longitude: 132.222755

kommentar 5

  • 花山薫



    There are only two ATMs, and they are often poorly maintained, making them very difficult to use. There was a Hiroshima Bank in Nishi-Iwakuni, but it was the only one where you could deposit coins... I would like to increase the number somehow.

  • ああ



    Unlike other Hiroshima banks, their response is not very good. Maybe it's a lack of knowledge on the part of the employees? There are many scenes that make me think. It might be better to go to another Hiroshima Bank.

  • 西川優衣



    If you don't use the reservation site, you won't be called at all. Those who arrive later will be called earlier. There are only about 2 counters open. We recommend that you make a reservation on the website before visiting.

  • Emi Mi

    Emi Mi


    They respond kindly and it's nice to greet them.

  • M Mr.

    M Mr.


    We went during a busy time, so we were the only customers, but even though we took the number ticket, some of the old ladies at the counter were chatting away, so we weren't called for a long time. An elderly person whose relative was suffering from an illness wanted to cancel an account at another bank nearby and deposit money into his main bank, Hirokin Bank.I took him to the Iwakuni branch for the first time because it was close to the bank where he had canceled the account. However, this Iwakuni branch of Hiroshima Bank was so unpleasant that I didn't want to use it again. At the bank's other branches, the employees are efficient and very kind to customers, but I think the Iwakuni branch has a problem with basic employee training.

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