Momiji Bank i Hiroshima

JapanMomiji Bank



🕗 åbningstider

1-24 Ebisuchō, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-8678, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-241-3131
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.3926275, Longitude: 132.4671795

kommentar 5

  • 山根しずく



    I am a disabled person at a branch of Momiji Bank. After providing a valid reason and being told that they could only accept one book, I desperately needed a second book, but the bank staff laughed at me. I felt insulted. It is mortifying. There's no way I'd say that without a good reason... It wasn't just once that I was laughed at by a bank employee. I asked, bowing my head. I felt really bad. The bank clerk who laughed was a woman. How many times do you have to take out a bank loan? I felt really bad. I suffered discrimination against people with disabilities. It is mortifying.

  • ヤマダハルト



    I keep calling them several times a month, telling them I can get a consolidation loan, but when I actually apply, I can't. I felt really uncomfortable! ️

  • M



    When I finally got to the counter after 3pm, my number was called and I handed out my money exchange form, but I was told that today's money exchange had just finished and new bills could not be prepared. I feel like I was wasting my time waiting...If they can't respond after 3pm, shouldn't they open the money exchange counter based on the congestion situation? I think I should let them know in advance that they have been closed recently and that I cannot accommodate them. I can't do it after 3pm. However, I think this can be resolved by making the counters less crowded.

  • りんりん



    It's a long-established bank, quite spacious and dimly lit. it takes time. There are a lot of employees, but they all don't smile and don't seem very lively. The posters were peeled off...did no one notice? Management is experiencing unrealized losses, and the future is uncertain.

  • bsntb 015

    bsntb 015


    It is helpful because there is a free bicycle parking lot.

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