Hiroshimashinyokinko Seibu Shiten i Hiroshima

JapanHiroshimashinyokinko Seibu Shiten



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Japan, 〒733-0834 Hiroshima, Nishi Ward, Kusatsushinmachi, 2-chōme−26−2 アルパーク 1階
kontakter telefon: +81 82-277-5751
internet side: www.hiroshin.co.jp
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Latitude: 34.373896, Longitude: 132.394246

kommentar 2

  • Brave Pirate

    Brave Pirate


    When I went to pay the bill, the bank clerk who counted the bills made a mistake when he told me the amount that was missing. Because of this, I withdrew too much money from the ATM and handed over too much money.In the end, I got the overpaid amount back in change, but it's dangerous and worrying to make a mistake with a large amount of money. The bank clerk's name tag said ``Narumi Matsuura.'' I think it would be safer to count the banknotes with the customer to avoid any misunderstandings. I was worried about the amount I was paid, so I asked to speak with someone who looked like my boss, but it was a waste of time. If Mr. Matsuura finds it difficult to count the bills, he either uses a machine from the beginning or asks the customer to confirm the amount with him.

  • Hiros SW

    Hiros SW


    I'm not saying that the regional banks in this region are good, but if you compare the counters, their service and knowledge are significantly worse. Isn't there an opportunity for other companies in the same industry? The customer base seems to be good.

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