Hiroshima Bank Hiroshima Nishi i Hiroshima

JapanHiroshima Bank Hiroshima Nishi



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-17-4 Inokuchimyōjin, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0841, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-277-4751
internet side: www.hirogin.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.3716503, Longitude: 132.3922565

kommentar 5




    I couldn't withdraw more than the daily limit from an ATM, so I contacted the counter and they were very quick to help. I had an important contract on that day and was in a hurry because I didn't have much time, but they helped me a lot by being able to withdraw my cash in the shortest and best way. I am truly grateful for the prompt response of the staff at the counter. thank you very much.

  • kani kama

    kani kama


    I just called to cash a check. Is that really a check you have? I was told Where did you get the check? What is the amount? Is it really us? I get asked all the time. I lost the will to go.

  • きらりんちゃんねる



    I visited around noon on Tuesday, September 19th. I was having trouble understanding the deposit fees, but the woman at the central information desk was very kind and polite and helpful. Even at Hiroshima Bank, I sometimes receive terrible treatment, so I felt very safe with this bank employee. I thought I could safely deposit my money with Hiroshima Nishi Branch. thank you.

  • 博くんH-H



    I went to listen to a discussion about stocks and investment trusts, and I was starting from scratch ✨ But they were very nice and easy to understand ✨ I'm very grateful, thank you ✨

  • Hana Nemuno

    Hana Nemuno


    Being one of our main stores, we have a lot of talented people.

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