FLEXSTAY INN Shinagawa i Shinagawa City

JapanFLEXSTAY INN Shinagawa


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1-chōme-22-19 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0001, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3458-4281
internet side: www.mystays.com
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Latitude: 35.6221637, Longitude: 139.7402043

kommentar 5

  • Lazy Kitty

    Lazy Kitty


    the small room for price is a good value. you have your own shower and mini kitchenette (mini refrigerator, microwave, hot plate, sink). street level has the reception and what is considered the 2nd floor. down narrow stairs is the 1st floor, and there are no elevators. i think room 101 is the worst, you can hear the noise from the laundry room and the property's trash bins just outside. i had room 101.

  • Elora



    Great location, just a 5-minute walk to the nearest station. Clean room with all of the basic amenities, there was even a small kitchen included too. All of the staff were kind, and also all spoke English very well. The only issue I can see people having is that there is no elevator, however, the staff offered to help with my luggage. 🙂 And I was lucky enough to have a room on the first floor as well. Overall, a very good place, especially for the price. Would recommend.

  • Huge Rose

    Huge Rose


    3 stars. A cheaper option. Basic clean accommodation 15 minutes walk south of shinagawa station. Cheap and did the job. Surprising quiet with aircon, bed, fridge, microwave and tv. They provided toothbrush, razor, etc. Cafe next door and couple of convenience stores nearby

  • Busagarin Nitiwong

    Busagarin Nitiwong


    I stayed here for 2 nights with good sleep. Clean room with good facilities. Small kitchen is also included in the room. Perfect location for travelling, near to train station. There are 3 supermarkets nearby. Familymart is just a few walks from hotel. Also there are several restaurants and coffee shops in the area.

  • Miki Pon

    Miki Pon


    Very good accommodation if you're on a budget. It's cheap, clean, practical, comfy. The best parts for travelers: •Staff speaks English, are very friendly and helpful. •Location is very close (10minute walk) to Shinagawa, which is perfect as it's a large station with lots of connections including shinkansen bullet trains. •it's quiet and has a supermarket close by. Things to keep in mind: •no lift, so hard for anyone with heavy luggage who doesn't get a first floor room. •some rooms are for smokers. Make sure to check beforehand! •rooms are not cleaned daily as some hotels are. •it is mainly a business hotel, so it doesn't have a lot of extras. If you are easy to please and want to save money, this place has everything you need. Personally I had a great time. Slept well, had a nice shower, left refreshed and happy.

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