Ecohotel Nagoya w Nagoya

JaponiaEcohotel Nagoya


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒453-0015 Aichi, Nagoya, Nakamura Ward, Tsubakichō, 14−5 グランド松竹梅ビル 205
kontakt telefon: +81 52-462-1777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1687545, Longitude: 136.8806226

komentarze 5

  • Tania Chan

    Tania Chan


    This building on first floor is takoyaki stand and a restaurant. There's lift but you can't use it on the first floor. So if you bring a big luggage, you should carry it by yourself to the 2nd floor by stairs (that's what I did). Then in the 2nd floor or above, if you want to shower, you should take the lift to basement floor. Firstly please note, this room is very cheap (3000¥), so there is no shower or toilet in your room. If you want to go toilet, you should go to toilet outside but in the same floor as your room. If you want to go to take a bath, you should go to the shower room in the basement by using the lift. There's coin laundry, shower room (with soap and shampoo), and also hair dryers with mirrors. I didn't take the bedroom picture, but it looks like a capsule hotel room but a bit bigger size. There's a place to hang your clothes in front of the window, a mini refrigerator and a television. The wall is thin so you can hear if the person beside your room turning on their TV. If you want to brush your teeth, you can brush in front of your room. There's a place to brush your teeth or wash your face. Overall in my opinion, this place is enough if you just spend one night. This hotel is just across the Nagoya Station. If you're out of budget and want to catch the morning train, maybe this hotel is suitable for you.

  • ChuniaC



    Price and location in perfect proximity to the train station as well as an entertainment district just around the corner. Fast wi-fi on every floor, private remote controlled AC in the room. Just don't expect luxuries and you'll love it.

  • drix karasu

    drix karasu


    Really cheap. It's clean but rooms are really small. Bathrooms were clean, towels are provided by the hotel. Walls are a bit thin, but seem to be decently insulated. Really close to the station so that's a big plus. Lots of shops and restaurants nearby too.

  • Tom Nash

    Tom Nash


    Cheap, so be aware you're not getting the best amenities or bed. However, it is located right next to the station, 5 minutes from an entertainment district. There is plenty of cheap, good food in the vicinity, so you'll not go wanting (there's a ramen place and takoyaki stall in the same building)

  • Tom van Asselt

    Tom van Asselt


    Simple, effective and cheap. A simple bed, decent facilities including a wasmachine are all provided. In addition the rooms are well isolated and the metal doors give a safe feeling. That is however all you will get. Still well worth a visit and fine for longer stays. Towels, brushes etc are all provided too, so no need to worry. Overall well worth it.

najbliższy Kwatera

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