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brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-43-6 Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 450-0002, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 52-571-0111
strona internetowej: all.accor.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.1739591, Longitude: 136.8840319

komentarze 5

  • Isa Vega

    Isa Vega


    Sharing as a precaution to travelers. It's common sense, so definitely my fault for trusting the internet and believing everything was safe. At some point within the 2 hotels, we stayed at (Tokyo & Nagoya) cleaning staff at one of the hotels stole $600 from us. No one has "found" the money, and I've filed a police report. THIS hotel didn't reply back to my inquiry to look into the incident, just replied to speak to Booking regarding payments. Obviously, it's our fault for trusting that they wouldn't steal, but using this to reiterate to travelers. ALWAYS be careful with your belongings. Do NOT trust anyone. Location is close to station. Staff is multilingual.

  • Ian Paterson

    Ian Paterson


    Had a very good stay here just a short walk from Nagoya station. The room was very spacious and relaxing with a good bathroom and comfortable bed. Breakfast was fine and everything efficient.

  • Y N

    Y N


    The hotel is 3 minutes from the nearest Nagoya station exit #1, but is actually a 10 to 15 minute walk to where the Shinkansens are at the other side of the station. If you have luggage do recommend walking above ground from the station since there are no escalators or elevators for the closest exit being B1 exit 1. The lobby staff are very friendly and helpful. The facilities are not new and a bit classicalā€¦but the rooms are larger than usual Japan city standards. Bedding and bathrooms are clean. The breakfast buffet was a bit bland and not as good I had expected, but the seating was good and not too crowded. There is a combini nearby if you need to by snacks etc. Good for a simple low stress stay. Amenities are minimal. PJs provided for adults. Love that they had wooden toothbrushes and non plastic paper ā€œtubesā€ for toothpaste.

  • Nimal R

    Nimal R


    We booked for one night under Accor employee benefits on 12/03/2024. On arrival the girl at reception looked like frightened. Then a gentleman came and checked us in. Although an Accor hotel, no sugar, milk or coffee. No shower caps. Reception told us for Accor staff live limitless we could get 50% discount for breakfast and meals but when we went for breakfast, the person at service said no discount not even the 30% given to Accor staff. Not friendly service. Needs improvement.

  • Evangeline L

    Evangeline L


    Very obliging staff who helped prepare my room for early check in after a long overnight flight. The restaurant staff were also very nice. The breakfast was yummy, with both Japanese and western choices. The room was huge by Japanese standards and very comfortable - large bathtub, dressing table, huge safe (even though I didnā€™t use it), sofa and ottomanā€¦ Short walk to Nagoya station and JR towers. Lawson and Family Mart nearby. Would stay here again when Iā€™m back in Nagoya.

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