静寂な森の宿 山しのぶ i Minamioguni

Japan静寂な森の宿 山しのぶ


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5960 Manganji, Minamioguni, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-2402, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 967-44-0188
internet side: www.yamashinobu.com
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Latitude: 33.0720026, Longitude: 131.1299198

kommentar 5

  • Jon B

    Jon B


    You are probably looking for a place by Kurokawa Onsen and you may be distressed by their prices. You stumble upon Yamashinobu and see the high ratings and wonder if it's worth it despite not being Kurokawa Onsen. Good news the omotonashi (customer service), breakfast, dinner, and onsen were all excellent. Look no further and highly consider this place.

  • Ken Lim

    Ken Lim


    wonderful outdoor onsen bath nice kaiseki dinner

  • Craig Roberts

    Craig Roberts


    Amazing staff. The food was fantastic. The men’s open air bath (露天風呂) was such a perfect temperature and ambiance that I didn’t try the indoor bath. I went in that bath five times during my stay—my body feels refreshed and renewed.

  • Hann-jing Ou-yang

    Hann-jing Ou-yang


    This is one of my favorite accommodation in Japan so far. The staff are super friendly, the hot spring is nice, the meals are delicious and the the atmosphere is so relaxing. I would like to visit it again!

  • Emiko Harada

    Emiko Harada


    Beautiful little Onsen ryokan in the outskirts of Kurokawa Onsen. You will need a car to get here. Many private Onsen that is open for 24hrs. The main outdoor bath was spacious and beautiful too. Room was very clean with nice modern finishing touches but also has its traditional charm. Food was great. Can’t find any fault to this place.

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