Yumeya Hirakata Honten en Hirakata

JapónYumeya Hirakata Honten



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-1-10 Ōgaitochō, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0027, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-804-5678
sitio web: www.hotpepper.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8138141, Longitude: 135.6504819

comentarios 5

  • Ikeda Hiroshi (いけちゃん)

    Ikeda Hiroshi (いけちゃん)


    Izakaya in front of Hirakata City Hall The chicken tataki and beef tendon with ponzu sauce are delicious. There are also various fruit drinks. It's a small shop, but There is a wide variety of food and alcohol.

  • いーちゃん



    🍖 [Public Bar Yumeya] I went to this popular bar near the station for the first time in a while (*´꒳`*) 🍺 "Kuroge Wagyu Beef Doteni" 418 yen This is seriously delicious! I've eaten a lot of doteni so far, but it's no exaggeration to say that this one is the most delicious ( ゚Д゚) Yummy The Wagyu beef is carefully processed and the flavor of the meat is amazing! If you are from Kansai, this is a special dish that you should try at least once (*´艸`) 🍺 “Tori Tatakipon” 418 yen This is also a popular menu item. You can see that fresh chicken is purchased and cooked! Although the presentation is a little off, the portions are large and the menu is highly satisfying (*´꒳`*) 🍺 “Domestic morning ground raw liver” 418 yen This is a menu that makes you wonder how it can be done at this price (lol) It claims to be ground in the morning, so it's extremely fresh and has a creamy taste.My companion was so delicious that he ordered a second helping (*´艸`) 🍺 "Homemade fried chicken (salt)" 385 yen This fried chicken is moist and does not have a crispy surface. The seasoning of salt is just right! Fried chicken like this is also heartwarming and delicious ( •̀ω•́ )و 🍺 "Dashi omelet (green onion)" 418 yen I regularly order egg dishes (lol) A slightly Akashi-style omelet in dashi soup. This is delicious as it is, but personally I like it without soup (*´꒳`*) 🍺

  • Priscilla Lee

    Priscilla Lee


    Good alcohol

  • sophie twilight

    sophie twilight


    One drink order system. Only water doesn't come out. I ordered hormone bean sprouts, but the essential hormone was out of stock, so I substituted it with beef tendon. Other customers were allowed to sit where they wanted to sit, but in my case I was not allowed to choose. The curry was the only thing that was delicious. The total cost is about 1500 yen. There will be no second time.

  • Mike Val

    Mike Val


    Ignored by staff, waited 20 minutes for drinks we ordered that never came, no apology or discount offered when we gave up and left. Will not go there again.

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