Manten en Hirakata




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6-11 Yamanoue Higashimachi, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0041, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-843-8790
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Latitude: 34.8041361, Longitude: 135.6550432

comentarios 5

  • よっしーパパ



    This is a ramen restaurant located in Yamanoue, Hirakata City, Osaka Prefecture. Many years ago, before this store opened, there was a Kinsei Group, and before that there was a Daiichi Asahi FC store. I think the impact of the pachinko parlor next door going out of business is not small, but they are doing their best with the support of their loyal fans. There are 7 seats at the counter and 3 tables inside, so there is plenty of capacity, so you won't have to wait in line, but even after peak hours there is a steady stream of customers. This time I received the Manten Dandan noodles ¥900 and the large fried rice set ¥410. I've never tried Dandan noodles before, so I wasn't interested in this item, but I was completely disappointed lol Delicious ramen that is creamy yet has just the right amount of stimulation♪ Unless I really don't like it, I usually drink all the soup, and this time I was able to finish it without exception (*^^*) The noodles were also hard boiled to my liking. The fried rice is also delicious, and goes well with the soup that has the minced meat left over from the dandan noodles, so I can't stop eating it lol. This is the first soup that I thought was perfect for fried rice with something other than Worcestershire sauce, even though I usually use Worcestershire sauce for fried rice. (My criteria for choosing delicious fried rice is whether it goes well with Worcestershire sauce.) And I mysteriously wanted the texture of sprouts lol But since there are no bean sprouts in the topping, you can't customize the bean sprouts. Just to be sure, I checked with the general manager, but he didn't have it in the store lol I really liked it, so I would like to come back and focus on the Dandan fried rice set ♡ #Ramen Manten #Delicious Dandan noodles #Delicious fried rice #Recommended fried rice size #It's better not to be crowded #Parking available #Hirakata City, Osaka Prefecture

  • トマートいちご



    Tsukemen and half fried rice set. I ordered Manten Ramen and Karaage Set. The tsukemen noodles were springy and had the same rich sauce as the rich ramen, so it was extremely delicious. Is there a little less soup in the ramen? I feel like it, but I won't drink it all, so it's okay. Manten ramen is seafood ➕ chicken hot water. It's rich and delicious. good! One word! The fried chicken is also crispy and goes well with the rice. The fried rice is fluffy and has a light taste, but it tastes good. The char siu and flavored eggs are also great! The manager may seem unfriendly at first glance, but he is a wonderful person with a professional and serious personality. In addition to repeater.

  • Tshr Yb

    Tshr Yb


    I had half fried rice and manten ramen. I couldn't decide between salt, soy sauce, chilled ramen, or dandan noodles, so I went with manten. The thick soup goes well with the smooth noodles. I thought the amount of soup was a little small, but since I don't drink a lot, it was good for me. It goes really well with white onions, green onions, etc. The fried rice was 100% finished and had a perfect taste. I want to eat all kinds of ramen, so I will go again!

  • ひでたん



    Manten Ramen I thought the seafood chicken tonkotsu soup was delicious. The taste is strong, but it makes you want to drink it all. The white-haired green onion, green onion, menma, and chashu pork are juicy, sweet and flavorful, and have no odor and are delicious! However, the noodles are not so good... Dandan noodles It's delicious with a rich soup filled with sesame paste, topped with white onions, chives, and bok choy. The noodles here are not good either... The soup looks good, but I wish the noodles were delicious...

  • H.H



    Their signature ramen is called Manten Ramen, which is a seafood-based tonkotsu soup ramen, but since I don't like ramen with thick or pork bones, I went for the salt ramen. The soup was light but rich, and the noodles were chewy and mixed well with the soup, making the ramen itself very delicious. The fried rice in the set also has a good amount of salt and goes well with the ramen soup. The restaurant has 8 counter seats, 3 4-seat tables, and can accommodate about 20 people. You can see the kitchen behind the counter, and the chef is completely silent, completely absorbed in cooking, and doesn't even talk to the customers. I thought it would be better if I just said "Hello" and "Thank you", but when I left, the shop owner said "Ookini" (lol) The female part-time worker greeted me cheerfully. The customer service was also pretty good. However, the taste of the ramen was delicious, so it became quite popular. By the way, students can get a large portion for free.

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