Bistro Fumi en Hirakata

JapónBistro Fumi



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Japan, 〒573-0031 Osaka, Hirakata, Okahonmachi, 2−2 豊田ビル 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 72-841-2030
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.815785, Longitude: 135.6477068

comentarios 5

  • 野望



    A hidden Western restaurant near Hirakatashi Station ◆ Lunch menu is great value and you can choose your favorite dishes ◆The store is clean ◆The customer base is mostly female.

  • 太郎“たろう”蔵ヶ崎



    I had a delicious meal that looked just like the menu photo. Even though it was my first time visiting, they cheerfully responded to my request to add a hamburger to the set menu, and I was very satisfied.

  • shi



    I had a little time until my appointment, so I went into an alley to have lunch, found a fashionable restaurant, and entered it. The sample (real) in front of the store looked delicious, so I decided to order it for lunch. You can choose the main dish, and even though there are many items from appetizers to desserts, the price is reasonable and it feels like a lunch for adults and children ♡ Everything was delicious with good seasoning. The one I chose with white fish topped with something like prawns had a good texture, but would I eat it with a demi sauce? Should I eat it with tartar sauce? I tried using both, but they didn't fit me perfectly, and even though they were made with great care, I felt like it was a waste.

  • gudechama



    I ordered a seafood croquette lunch and a porcini mushroom risotto. Lunch comes with a hamburger and fried shrimp as a main dish, and it also comes with a dessert and a drink, so it's a good deal for the price♪ The atmosphere was stylish and the food was delicious, but the chipped vessels and teapot with a brown spout...that was the only disappointment. If I have another chance, I might try a different menu next time.

  • Bolor Ganbold

    Bolor Ganbold


    Great little cafe, lunch specials are a nice, 1100yen for soup, main dish, drink, desert.

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