Yuba Gozen Miyazaki i 日光市

JapanYuba Gozen Miyazaki


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Japan, 〒321-2521 栃木県日光市藤原1
kontakter telefon: +81 288-77-1155
internet side: www.hotelnikko-kinugawainnmiyasaki.jp
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Latitude: 36.8325216, Longitude: 139.7200879

kommentar 5

  • Yohanes Christy

    Yohanes Christy


    Hidden gem in the Kinugawa onsen area. Building is well maintained and clean. Rooms are spacious and neatly serviced. There are only 6 rooms in this hotel, creating a very peaceful and quiet atmosphere. The hot springs are also clean and comfortable. The best part is the food. Breakfast is standard but the dinner menu is extraordinary.

  • John A (Japanajohn Instagram)

    John A (Japanajohn Instagram)


    Very quaint and affordable Showa Inn , very clean and friendly, food is excellent and features the famous yuba of the area, dinner is mostly vegetarian for those that insist upon such a diet but just as satisfying for us omnivores.

  • Eulalia Llorens

    Eulalia Llorens


    Great yuba (the local delicacy) menu here! The view from the table was really good!

  • Joey Ho

    Joey Ho


    A homely, traditional Japanese Ryokan with the kindest owners. The yuba (tofu skin) dinner course was hearty and delicious, with lots of interpretations of this versatile ingredient. The two onsens (hotsprings) were small but super cosy, decked out with tatami mats in the bathing area. We woke up to sounds of birds singing and the rustling of trees. The trip ended with the owner asking us if we'd like to hitch a five-minute ride to the station on his tuk-tuk! Highly recommended for warm, unpretentious service! We'll be back :)

  • Raleigh



    Unbelievable hospitality. Beautiful onsen. Super delicious meals. Highly recommend.

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