Asaya Hotel i Nikko

JapanAsaya Hotel



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813 Kinugawaonsentaki, Nikko, Tochigi 321-2526, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 288-77-1111
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Latitude: 36.8356758, Longitude: 139.71979

kommentar 5

  • Ken Leung

    Ken Leung


    All I can say is WOW! This hotel was a complete gem and a great find. The hotel takes relaxation to another level. We had our own private hot bath in the room which was amazing. Not only do they have that but they also have private and public onsen on property. The other plus was the hotel provides an all you can eat buffet for breakfast and dinner. Not sure if they normally provide lunch or not since we only stayed one night but trust me when I saw that we did not want to leave. The food was truly outstanding and probably some of the best food that I had while in any Japan buffet. This hotel is quite a way from the city center in Tokyo. We were fortunate enough to have rented cars and made the drive to this hotel. There is free parking on site which was also nice. This property really is a gem and I would come back if the opportunity ever presented itself.

  • M Reilly

    M Reilly


    We stayed for 3 nights and 4 days in the room that was both Western and traditional tatami. We had the private hot tub as well. The room was quite nice and comes with ample amenities, it was fun they had face masks for our use as well as a humidifier and other skincare creams washes and lotions (communal use and likely not for take home) there were lots of teas and coffees for the room and each day if they clean they bring a few new snacks, just a couple adzuki pieces or cookies. We were 3 adults and 1 infant so we required the floor bed but it doesn't come with a bed sheet, you have to ask for it separately and they bring it up later and make the futon bed. Which was inconvenient for us, it would have been better to have the sheet readily available in the room so we wouldn't have to wait. The buffet was big but for breakfast hardly any vegan options other than the salad and potentially a couple tofu dishes although the use of bonito or dashi was uncertain. No vegan desserts so that was so disappointing. I just did my best to fill up on salad but it was inconvenient. I'm grateful at least they were flexible with the buffet times since I have an infant and keeping a strict schedule is very difficult. I didn't have a chance to check out the onsen since I was stuck with my baby who can't go to the onsen but my sister said it was enjoyable. The location is not convenient. It's 18 min walk from the train station and then over an hour by train to the main Street and then an additional 45-60 min to lake chuzenji. We took taxis sometimes but it's very expensive. From the main street to the hotel was 8700 yen one way. Nothing really near the hotel either so next time we will stay elsewhere, closer to the main sights. There is also no laundry at the hotel which I didn't expect since it's so big and has so many other amenities. They should offer laundering services, I would gladly pay. It was so inconvenient to walk a half hour to the nearest Laundromat. I also had to look it up myself, they did not help to locate it after they Said they didn't have laundry on site. Late check out is an extra 2200 yen for one additional hour. Oh and kid friendly, the buffet has cribs and high chairs for the babies to use

  • Niko Yuwono

    Niko Yuwono


    Great experience with Asaya hotel, clean rooms, great buffet dinner and breakfast and attentive staff. Definitely will come back again whenever we have plans around this area.

  • Misa Hz

    Misa Hz


    This hotel was crazy wonderful! Luxury, clean, beautiful, at first you will be impressed by the beautiful lobby, huge and luxurious. Then you go to your beautiful room, which is cozy, mountain view, clean, huge, comfortable enough, I wish I lived there. And beautiful Yukata, for us and especially for my baby 1 year old. Then you go to Tabehodai restaurants, so many varieties of foods… eat crab as much as you want!!! Better than everything is the Onsen on rooftop! The Rooftop Onsen is great , romantic, fantastic! But if you need to wash and shampoo you should go to Onsen in first floor which is also very good. The only problem I had was the Toilet, by first using it became full and useless, then we had to use Toilet out of room in 5 floor.

  • Edwin Reynolds

    Edwin Reynolds


    What an odd place! Clearly operating well below capacity in a hotel whose splendour recalls the 80s bubble economy. It is like a time capsule, still going despite all the nearby hotels being derelict and much of the demand drying up. Nevertheless, the facilities were pristine, the rooms were lovely and spacious, the rooftop baths were divine. The kaiseki food was very nice, but you can get better elsewhere. Not a traditional experience, but certainly a fascinating one for the inquiring international tourist

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