Hotel Kinu i Nikko

JapanHotel Kinu


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1057 Kinugawaonsen Ōhara, Nikko, Tochigi 321-2522, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 288-77-0318
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Latitude: 36.8253833, Longitude: 139.7201222

kommentar 5

  • 安孫子美咲



    I stayed for one night with breakfast and dinner included. Mr. Kame welcomed us at the entrance, and we were able to store our luggage for free before checking in. The inside of the building has deteriorated over time and is broken in some places, but it has been kept clean. There are stoves everywhere, keeping you warm even in the cold winter. However, the heating in the room is not very effective and there is only a warm breeze blowing. The only way to heat the room is with the stove. The rice was okay, but the salmon had a strange taste. Does it smell fishy? The rice is not freshly cooked. The customer service at the inn is good. The customer service was polite and smiling. There are baths and open-air baths, and there are many types of shampoo, as well as facial wash and cleansing products. It's like there are no shops. They only sell the same items as the welcome tea and sweets. This is the perfect place for people who want to spend time in a cheap and quiet place.

  • オークラ



    The rooms are old, the public bath is simple, and the food isn't particularly delicious. However, I chose the hotel based on its low price, so I didn't really have any expectations, so I don't mind. However, since it's a famous hot spring area, I expected the hot water to be good at least, but it smelled like disinfectant, like a bad super public bath. It's hard to give a good review because it fell even lower than my low expectations. If I were to look for a good thing, it would be that I had a private room for both breakfast and dinner, which I was grateful for as I was traveling alone.

  • k. Ryo (ゴーヤ)

    k. Ryo (ゴーヤ)


    I stayed here on Saturdays, Sundays, dinner and breakfast, and first of all, the cost performance was too good. Dinner and breakfast were served in a private room and the food was delicious and I was very satisfied. As for the baths, they are open in the morning and at night, and the men's and women's baths are switched, so you can take an open-air bath at either time. Although it is called a hotel, it has the atmosphere of a guesthouse compared to a typical hotel. If you are particular about your hair dryer, we recommend bringing your own as the wind is weak! I would definitely use it again! !

  • オート伊勢崎V



    A quiet and relaxing accommodation The open-air public bath was great♨️ Dinner and breakfast in private rooms👍 The air conditioning equipment cannot adjust the temperature, only the air volume. The air conditioning was a little disappointing, but everything else was satisfactory. If I have a chance, I will use it again.

  • 1967 T,s

    1967 T,s


    The inside of the hotel is old, but the rooms and toilets have been renovated and you can spend a comfortable time here. The food was delicious, the home-cooked hospitality was delicious, and the hot springs were pleasant, and although there was only one open-air bath due to coronavirus precautions, I was satisfied with the unusual depth of the open-air bath. During the winter, the area around the lobby is heated with kerosene fan heaters, which can be quite costly. I hope that you will continue to do your best and continue to manage your business. I thought it was a hotel with high cost performance.

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