Osaka City Jūsō Hospital w Osaka

JaponiaOsaka City Jūsō Hospital



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2-chōme-12-27 Nonakakita, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0034, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6150-8000
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.7285781, Longitude: 135.4770207

komentarze 5

  • n d

    n d


    I feel like the medical staff are rude. It made me feel uncomfortable. The doctors and nurses were both hardworking and kind. The clerk treated me as a suspicious person and tried to force me out by persistently coughing at the doorway. My family is in the hospital, and I have to get a visitor's pass from the entrance on the left, but it might be because I entered through the front door by mistake and wandered around without the visitor's pass hanging out, but I thought it would be okay to just ask them normally. think. After that, I went to see him several times, and the office staff never looked at me or said hello. The nurses respond when I nod or say hello. When I almost bumped into an office worker in the elevator, she blatantly avoided me... Oh, and there was one nurse who completely ignored me, even though she got on the elevator after me and got off first. There was nothing to say. Until recently, I was hospitalized in an emergency at a university hospital in another city, and the staff there said they would excuse me if I shared the elevator with them, and they just pressed the open/close button, so thank you! He said that cheerfully and politely, which made me feel good. I'm already depressed because my family is seriously ill, but when they treat me like this, it's really depressing to go see them. To avoid any misunderstanding, I would like to thank the doctors and nurses for their hard work. The staff at the store were also cheerful and kind.

  • はるママ



    In 2023, I took care of her in obstetrics. The hospital encourages breastfeeding, so a nurse came every three hours to check on my baby's ability to breastfeed and to check on her condition. All the doctors and nurses are kind. At that time, there were visiting restrictions due to the coronavirus, and I was only able to see my husband in the hallway for maybe 5 minutes, and I was only able to see him for a few minutes, and I couldn't even hold my child. Speaking of money, although I had a natural birth in the middle of the night, I paid about 90,000 yen for the minimal hospital stay, so I felt a little regretful that I should have given birth at a maternity hospital. I also took care of her when I gave birth in 2019, and I paid her about 150,000 yen at that time as well. I don't know about other hospitals, but I wonder if they would pay this much at a municipal hospital. The celebratory meal was sumptuous.

  • ところてん



    I was hospitalized with a pediatrician for 4 days. It's not a private hospital, so the facilities are a bit run down, but most of all, the doctors and nurses were very kind, gentle, and polite. It feels like home and the hospitality is great. The companion bed was hard and difficult to sleep on, so I had to make some adjustments, but I had a very comfortable and cozy stay. If my child needs anything again, I would definitely come here again. I'm sure it's difficult due to budget and other factors, but I hope it stays on forever.

  • Emma



    On the 30th of November 2019, I was hospitalised with acute diverticulitis at Osaka City Juso Hospital, 5F. The drs and nurses were knowledgable, kind hearted and friendly. Thank you for my diagnosis and looking after me.

  • Hoa Nguyen

    Hoa Nguyen


    Very bad. Bad food, bad service, expensive. Doctors and nurses cannot speak English. Picture is a meal for maternity. No meat, only egg, rice, vegetables.

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