York Benimaru w Ōsaki

JaponiaYork Benimaru



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-chōme-2-15 Furukawahonami, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-6136, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 229-23-1149
strona internetowej: yorkbenimaru.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 38.567683, Longitude: 140.941593

komentarze 5

  • ć‚Šć£ć”ć‚…ć‚“



    Anyway, the staff's attitude is disgusting! ! ! I don't think of customers as customers! ! I don't want to give even 1 star! !

  • y y

    y y


    There were so many typos that it took me a while to decipher it, but someone wrote a review saying that if a wide car is parked in the parking space in front of the coin laundry, two cars can't pass, and that's not the case at all. No (lol) I think the person who posted it just doesn't have enough driving skills (lol) There seem to be a number of other reviews posted on Google, but they're all complaints about parking lot etiquette and drivers, so they're not helpful at all... Even if you post it on Google, it doesn't necessarily mean that the person involved will see it, so I think it's better to warn them directly instead of posting it in the reviews (lol) First, acquire the ability to compose sentences and be able to post in proper sentences, and then refine your driving skills so that you can avoid dangerous driving yourself.

  • ē¾Žå’Œ



    Today 12/30/2023 I was surprised by the seaweed rolls. I go there twice a week because it's close to my house. Today's scrolls Seaweed is different than usual feels cheap with green seaweed The taste was also different. I've been going there for many years, The scroll is a mess and I'm disappointed today.

  • fudou taki

    fudou taki


    Why is the self-checkout sensor in York City the only one that's stupid? Doesn't move Police cars will be dispatched from noon today at the accident-prone supermarket Perhaps because it's located in a residential area or a school, it's a store where kids who don't know much about things steal. Recently, the eraser from the Oni anime was sold at a discount. It seems like there are a lot of elderly people who are driving in the wrong direction and telling you to go ahead and want to die, so be careful. There are a lot of cars these days, so if you don't want to get in the way of the upside-down parking space in front of the laundry, you won't be able to get two cars through.

  • Mark Hollas

    Mark Hollas


    As with most locations the prices are great as well as the selection of premade items. They also stock the 711 brand items which are such a good price point.

najbliższy Supermarket spożywczy lub

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