Ujie w Ōsaki




🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-8-30 Furukawaōmiya, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-6221, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 229-23-1678
strona internetowej: ujiesuper.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 38.5883453, Longitude: 140.9538713

komentarze 5

  • Ryo ā€œćƒŖćƒ£ćƒ³ā€ A

    Ryo ā€œćƒŖćƒ£ćƒ³ā€ A


    I had never heard of it in the Kanto region, but I guess it's a supermarket that operates around here, and it was clean and had a good selection.

  • å¤Ŗ郎12ćƒćƒ¢ćƒ³



    standard uzier screen On the site of a small shop There is a large parking lot next door. There is also a Ujie dispensing pharmacy. No problem

  • 惛ćƒÆć‚¤ćƒˆćƒ­ćƒ¼ć‚ŗ



    I bought a lunch box to eat at noon. It was cheap and deliciousā™Ŗ Although the bento boxes were cheap, I thought the other products were expensive.

  • å„Ŗć”ć‚ƒć‚“ć€‚



    It used to be a supermarket called Giraffy, where everything was cheap, but it closed and became Ujie Supermarket. Convenient as there are no supermarkets around here. However, I think this area is the hottest area right now, with Donki and Mori stores opening one after another nearby. However, I can't stop buying bento boxes and side dishes from Uzier Supermarket just before it closes at a very low price.

  • ć‚†ćšć½ć£ć½ļ¼ˆpapa3nanodaļ¼‰



    For better or worse, it's a local supermarket in Miyagi Prefecture. It's something I value more than anything like a major company. I don't like Ion or Yokubenimaru. What I always buy is a seasonal tempura bowl with sausages and side dish bento. Wieners range from 278 yen to 348 yen. This is my favorite recently due to quality and price. The seasonal tempura bowl is on sale for 399 yen, and normally costs 498 yen. The shrimp tempura is huge compared to other major supermarkets. Half of the eggplant is bare! It says. I can't eat tempura bowls from other major supermarkets. Is this a fair price? That's what I always think when I buy something. Personally, I think that 600 yen for a tempura bowl and 500 yen for a sausage is not appropriate. They are also making some progressive efforts, such as installing EV chargers early on.

najbliższy Supermarket

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