Ać‚³ćƒ¼ćƒ—ć“ć”ćŸåŗ— / JAå…Øč¾²Ać‚³ćƒ¼ćƒ—ćˆ± w Misato

JaponiaAć‚³ćƒ¼ćƒ—ć“ć”ćŸåŗ— / JAå…Øč¾²Ać‚³ćƒ¼ćƒ—ćˆ±



🕗 godziny otwarcia

12-9 Soyamachō, Misato, Toda District, Miyagi 987-0013, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 229-31-1077
strona internetowej: www.acoop-east-t.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 38.5396949, Longitude: 141.0637608

komentarze 5

  • ć‚€ććƒ¼



    You can shop as expected, but there is room for improvement in product selection and prices. The seafood is fresher than other nearby competitors.

  • OkćØ恮



    It's a transfer station for returning to the hotel in Furukawa after sightseeing, so I mainly use it for grocery shopping when I don't have time. It's not a huge store, but they have a wide variety of products, from fresh vegetables to food and general miscellaneous goods. It's especially nice to see vegetables, pickles, handmade miso, flowers, etc. from local farmers being sold directly. The side dishes are also delicious. It's crowded with customers from the neighborhood. Thank you for reading until the end. Thank you for using our service.

  • ćƒćƒ£ć‚Ŗć‚ŗ



    It's a little expensive, but I think it's nice to have a wide variety of side dishes. I think the employees are also kind.

  • anchorwoman2008



    If you use the Tohoku Main Line, you will have to wait a long time at Kogoda due to bad connections. There is no cafeteria, so I buy my lunch here. It's useful, but it's not particularly cheap or has a great selection. I would like to get a discount on side dishes early in the evening. This time too, the discount was small.

  • 1967 Akr

    1967 Akr


    If you want to buy something while transferring at Kogoda Station, there are currently no shops inside the station (there used to be NewDays), only drink vending machines. If you need bento boxes, sweets, alcohol, etc., this is the store closest to the station. It is a 5 minute walk from Kogoda Station.

najbliższy Supermarket

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