Ujie Super Iwadeyama w 大哎åø‚

JaponiaUjie Super Iwadeyama



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Japan, 怒989-6412 宮城ēœŒå¤§å“Žåø‚岩å‡ŗå±±äø‹é‡Žē›®å±±ćƒŽč¾ŗļ¼“
kontakt telefon: +81 229-72-3939
strona internetowej: ujiesuper.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 38.6434431, Longitude: 140.8816747

komentarze 5

  • Yasumi Kikuchi

    Yasumi Kikuchi


    ā€œA must stop for sightseeingā€ ā€œJapanā€™s best-selling yakisobašŸā€ ā€œJapanā€™s best-selling kudzu bar ice creamšŸ§ā€ ā€œPOP is so weirdšŸ˜…ā€ This is a chain store in Miyagi's local supermarket that you'll want to visit as a set with Ara Date. It's generally cheap, but the side dish corner and PB products are especially interestingšŸ¤©. In the delicatessen award race, Ujie's version of Sendai's famous mapo yakisoba was featured on TV as the best-selling yakisoba in Japan. Ujie's kudzu bar ice cream was also awarded the best in Japan, and many other Miyagi specialty side dishes have also received awards. This is a talented supermarket that you'll want to stop by even when you're sightseeing. #letsguide #famous store

  • KOKOMI Channel恓恓ćæćƒćƒ£ćƒ³ćƒćƒ«

    KOKOMI Channel恓恓ćæćƒćƒ£ćƒ³ćƒćƒ«


    It's a very fun store, especially the prepared food section. The other departments also have their own special features, making this a fun store overall. However, since it was a hotly contested area, there were a lot of discounted items, so it looked tough, but I wish them all the best.

  • hana*hana* snow*

    hana*hana* snow*


    Enjoying hot spring treatment at Naruko Onsen I bought some side dishes! Side dishes with a local feel I bought the famous chestnut dangošŸ˜‹

  • Jacky Chung

    Jacky Chung


    There are many kinds of vegetables and fruits, and there are many kinds of bread. The venue is very spacious. The price of milk is average, not too cheap or too expensive. It is a large complex supermarket with a very large parking lot.

  • woda Lee

    woda Lee


    Good experience

najbliższy Supermarket

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