Yokosuka Kyōsai Hospital en 横須賀市

JapónYokosuka Kyōsai Hospital


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Japan, 〒238-8558 神奈川県横須賀市米が浜通1丁目16
contactos teléfono: +81 46-822-2710
sitio web: www.ykh.gr.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2770428, Longitude: 139.6738871

comentarios 5

  • スライム



    My elderly parents became unconscious due to the coronavirus and were rushed to the hospital. Even though his condition was so serious that he couldn't even drink a drop of water, he prescribed a large amount of unnecessary, expensive medicine that was not covered by insurance and had an expiration date of several hours. No, I've never seen such a large pill before, and elderly people who have trouble swallowing it are at risk of choking and choking. As a result, I went to a medical institution the next day for a second opinion, and because it was impossible to take it orally, I received IV drip treatment for 10 days, including hydration. Moreover, it was a mystery that the medical expenses for being hospitalized for more than 10 days and receiving thorough medical treatment were much cheaper than paying for a few minutes of medical treatment at a mutual aid facility where we didn't know what had happened. I can't help but think that forcing patients to pay for unnecessary and expensive medicines that are not covered by insurance is a random medical examination for the sake of medical fees!

  • Lomilla Rocknroll

    Lomilla Rocknroll


    For 2 weeks confinement I felt like I was nursed by my own family..my doctor is the best in taking care of my sickness..the nurses giving best effort to understand my language and the care and concern were the Best..food is superb and you can adopt the taste..all in all this hospital is a place like home for me..thank you for curing my illness with the doctor and nurses extra special care..

  • Світлана



    Our family is grateful to doctors and nurses in this hospital. I gave birth in this hospital. The hospital is well-equipped, doctors and nurses are professionals, diagnosis are accurate (for example: 1. The doctor said that "you'll give birth this week" and appointed my visit on Friday, and uterine contractions  started on Friday; 2. According my blood test, doctor has knew what vaccine I didn't have. 3.  The doctors and nurses cared about me. Nurses can feed newborn baby, so mother can rest after childbirth. 4. The food is tasty and there is special bento for mothers. The hospital presented the gift, it was warm baby blanket. 5. Baby's clothers, diapers and all fot babh include in cost of childbirth. They also give many things for mothers (napkins before and after childbirth, pods for breast, tooth brush&toothpasta, shampoo&shower gel and so etc). 6. I liked that I can rent pijamas (I didn't know about it when I went to the hospital, so I took 2 pijamas from my home). If I decide to have 2nd child, I want to give birth in this hospital again.

  • em nak

    em nak


    The machine (indoors) says if you came to visit someone, then it’s 500 yen for the first two hours... so we were prepared to pay it, even though we had the reception lady put our parking ticket through the machine at the main desk. When driving out of the (interesting/confusing) parking lot though, we put our ticket in the final machine... and we were charged 0. Confused... but relieved! The older part of the hospital is low ceilings and eerily lit up signs (at least at night)... the A/B section we felt was much better. Nurses (that we talked to for about 10 seconds) were kind :)

  • 工藤とし江



    This hospital is horrible iwent to have tattoo remover and after 3 year that tatto still and my skin and that doctor trying to send my to other hospital and pay again so i dont recommend to go there

El hospital más cercano

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