Yokosuka City Hospital en Yokosuka

JapónYokosuka City Hospital



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1-chōme-3-2 Nagasaka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 240-0101, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 46-856-3136
sitio web: yokosuka-shimin.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2229564, Longitude: 139.6278458

comentarios 5

  • 神野仮名



    This is a hospital that doesn't even have a 1 star. A relative of mine was hospitalized, but even though he was assisted with bathing for two months, the necrosis in his toes was ignored and he was discharged. Shortly after that was discovered, he was readmitted to the hospital, his entire leg was amputated, and he became weak and died. My face wasn't washed, and my nails were long like a witch's. Nurses can also talk in a bossy way. It was the worst hospital with poor care and manners.

  • うちゃこ



    When I went to the emergency room, something terrible happened! ! It was a young male Dr. In the evening, I had cut the base of my finger and found that it had a white streak-like substance on it, and I couldn't move my finger, so I went to the emergency department.I was told that he was not a plastic surgeon, so I started seeing him. Even though I said it wouldn't move, I was told, "I was surprised and just moved, it's just my imagination, and it's up to the doctor to decide," and they just gave me stitches and sent me back.I was in a state of disbelief. After that, when I went to a nearby plastic surgery clinic, they told me that my finger was broken and that it was broken.I was admitted to the hospital for surgery, and apparently the referral letter was written in the opposite direction. It's the worst. Misdiagnosis to the point where you can sue. If you are being taken away by an ambulance, it is better to refuse. If you cut your finger and it doesn't move, even an amateur would think it's due to nerves or a muscle strain, but if you're just shocked and can't move, you can't diagnose anything like a kindergartener!

  • chc N_.

    chc N_.


    It's the worst hospital. My father was hospitalized on the 6th floor of the west wing, but even though he hadn't used the money he had left with him when he was hospitalized, they said they didn't know where he had gone, so he never came back. The treatment plan was not explained clearly and it got worse. I was left alone rather than hospitalized. It's better not to be hospitalized. You could get killed. The nurses were also very unpleasant people and I felt irritated every time I met with them. When I was discharged from the hospital, I was given a large amount of medication without any explanation, and when I later asked how to take it, the patient responded, ``You haven't received any explanation!'' I'm asking because I haven't received it, but if you're going to say it like that, explain it from the beginning before handing it over. A hospital that should be avoided at all costs.

  • matsumoto hiroshi

    matsumoto hiroshi


    It is an acute care hospital located in the center of the west coast of the Miura Peninsula, and plays a major role as a core hospital that accepts many patients not only from the entire Miura Peninsula but also from the surrounding areas of the prefecture. We are a general hospital with a wide variety of medical departments, including about 30 departments, and we have all the departments, so you can receive medical care with peace of mind. All clinical departments are crowded. It is a private hospital run by a private organization called the Regional Medical Promotion Association, and the building is rented out by Yokosuka City. We have many excellent doctors who graduated from Yokohama City University, and we can provide accurate diagnosis and treatment based on evidence. The pharmacists and nurses are also enthusiastic and study hard, and I feel that many of them are warm and kind.

  • Sho Someyoung

    Sho Someyoung


    We received emergency response. The doctors and nurses were polite and kind. For transportation, there is a bus bound for Zushi. When I used the app GO Taxi, the taxi came within a few minutes even at night.

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