一銭洋食 和羅部 i Kitakyushu

Japan一銭洋食 和羅部



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2-chōme-6-16 Kyōmachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0002, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-541-3401
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.885712, Longitude: 130.8810959

kommentar 5

  • やま



    Wonderful harmony of taste and atmosphere! I can say that the taste is ordinary, but that's good. That's amazing. I'm just grateful that it's just plain good. At this restaurant, you can enjoy carefully made oden and fried udon noodles, which is a perfect way to eat, and you will feel a sense of euphoria while drinking beer. Business isn't just about trying to be weird or forcing people to show off their individuality. We live in a world saturated with an atmosphere where what's popular wins, where buzz prevails, and where standing out is the only thing that's worth it, but in reality, they simply provide food that everyone thinks is delicious at a reasonable price. That's enough and that's the best. I feel a sense of security knowing that such a normal thing is being done as a matter of course. Normal is the most difficult. A wonderful store that seems to embody such a difficult presence.

  • yoshihiro morioka (morizou)

    yoshihiro morioka (morizou)


    It's a restaurant with a Showa atmosphere, or rather the Showa era itself. Western food seems to be the selling point, but this time I ordered the katsudon. The flavor is strong and the soup permeates through the rice, making it delicious. If I have a chance to go again, I'll try ordering Issen Western food next time♪

  • lover trip

    lover trip


    I came here because a friend of mine saw Issen Western Food and wanted to try it. It has a retro atmosphere near Kokura Station. I ordered Issen Western food and fried udon. It was my first time to eat Issen Western food, and it was delicious. It tastes like thin okonomiyaki. The fried udon is not good. The taste was bland and the udon noodles didn't have much texture.

  • P



    English menu! Food overall was great quality, had fried chicken and yaki udon. The sauce was a little spicy, I thought it was great but my traveling partner found it a bit too hot.

  • Alek Lidtke

    Alek Lidtke


    Cosy, little place run by a few elderly glokes. Cheap, delicious and a homely atmosphere. Do recommend!

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