Sandwich Factory OCM i Kitakyushu

JapanSandwich Factory OCM



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3-6 Senbamachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0007, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-522-5973
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8837825, Longitude: 130.8789617

kommentar 5

  • j c

    j c


    Visited twice in a day. Sandwich joint that serves sandwiches with dozens of choices for fillings. You can choose 2 fillings for one sandwich and pay the price of the more expensive filling. You can follow the store's recommended combinations or make your own. The 'original' filling is essentially chili without spice. I find that it pairs well with almost every other filling. Sandwiches were of remarkable texture and didn't fall apart easily when you bite into it. Fillings were substantial. An average eater may be full from just one sandwich. Coffee was decent, but not the main draw of this store. When buying for take out, the sandwich is packaged nicely into a box, which I found to be great for eating in trains or outside. I am deeply jealous of the residents living near this store, for they can enjoy endless combinations of sandwiches in this remarkable place.

  • Datricky Huynh

    Datricky Huynh


    If they run out of material for sandwich the store will close early. Went there around 5pm and was told they sold out. Don't bank on going around evening, it's a popular sandwich spot and high tourism. This place will close early than the suggested 7pm on Google. You will be turned away plan accordingly.

  • Matt Jaeger

    Matt Jaeger


    Very nice variety of sandwich toppings. Corn soup was quite good, too. This place is popular, so prepare to wait in line, especially on weekends and holidays.

  • Ania Myslowska

    Ania Myslowska


    Very famous sandwich place in Kitakyushu. The sandwiches are truly delicious, the price is fair and you can eat in or take away. You can choose though a wide range of sandwiches and other kind of side menu as potato salad, soups, etc. The interior design is kinda American style, cozy. If you go around noon be prepared for huge queues as this place is located in Kokura, quite centric, and it’s very popular. The sandwich from the picture is their original chicken recipe.

  • A Fowles

    A Fowles


    Without doubt the BEST sandwich anywhere in Japan. I can't tell you how good it is. So many different combinations of sandwich to make and all are so amazingly good. Made fresh and quickly. Very convenient location, near to the station and walking street. Price is also very cheap considering the amount of food you get. A MUST visit if you are in Kokura.

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